Friday, February 29, 2008
Florida Gulf Coast U Adds Part-Time Ombuds
IOA Annual Conference Keynote Speakers
- Dr. Ricard E. Lapchick will provide the first keynote address, "A Bridge Across the Racial Divide." He is the director of the University of Central Florida's Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport and has written extensively on racial equality in sports. (Biography; Sports Business Journal article; ESPN article.)
- Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas will keynote the second day on "Cultural Competencies and Diversity in 21st Century Diplomacy." The Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal was the 2007 recipient of the U.S. State Department's "Director General's Cup for the Foreign Service." (Biography; Jet profile.)
- Dr. Paul Barreira is the final keynote speaker and will speak on "The State of College Mental Health." Berreira is director of Harvard’s Department of Behavioral Health and Academic Counseling and an associate professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School. (Harvard Crimson editorial, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal article.)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Departament de Ciencies dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal.lurgica, Escola Tecnica Superior d’Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona (ETSEIB), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Avda. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail : JVELASCO@CMEM.UPC.ES
Centre Catala del Plastic (CCP), Vapor Universitari de Terrassa. C/Colom 114, 08222 Terrassa, Spain
Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Cristalografia y Mineralogia, Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Ciencias. Prado de la Magdalena s/n, 47011 Valladolid, Spain.
The applicability of instrumented falling weight impact techniques in characterizing mechanichally thermoplastic foams at relatively high strain rates is presented. In order to try simulating impact loading of foams against sharp elements, an instrumented dart having a hemispherical headstock was employed in the test. Failure strength and toughness values were obtained from high-energy impact experiments, and the elastic modulus could be measured from both flexed plate and indentation low-energy impact tests. The result indicate a dependence of the failure strength, toughness, and the elastic modulus on the foam density, the foaming process, and the chemical composition. This influence was found to be similar to that of pure nonfoamed materials and also to that observed from low-rate compression tests. The results also indicate that the indentation low-energy impact tests were more accurate in obtaining right values of the elastic modulus than the flexed plate low-energy impact tests usually used to characterize rigid plastics. The foam indentation observed with this test configuration contributes to obtaining erroneous values of the elastic modulus if only a simple flexural analysis of plates is applied.
© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers
Traditionally, impact tests have been employed to measure the ability of a sample or a finished part to absorb a shock or impact. Falling weight impact tests stand out among the different types of impact tests because the simply supported or fixed (clamped) sample receives the collision of a mass falling from determined height. These tests have advantage of multiaxiality and the possibility of working with finished articles, if they are properly fixed.
The noninstrumented (analogic) impact tests give neither qualitative information about the energy required for the fracture initiation nor the information about the mechanical behavior of the material. These tests give only statistical plots as a relationship between the probability of failure or survival of the sample according the strictness of the test.
UMass-Amherst Ombuds to Coordinate Impartial Observers
Related posts: U of Arkansas Office of Student Mediation Changing Name to Ombuds Office; Texas Tech Ombuds to Help Administer Student Relief Funds.
UGA Student Newspaper Endorses Ombuds Office Proposal
It is apparent the University is in dire need of an ombudsmen office, and The Red & Black hopes the delegate appointed should be independent of the University.
We want this office established before the beginning of the next school year to handle all complaints from students, faculty and staff.
(Red and Black.)
Related post: UGA President Agrees to Consider Ombuds for Staff and Students.
Monday, February 25, 2008
UK Researcher Advocates Legislative Support for Ombuds Programs
Esplin recommends statutory changes to promote the growth of Ombuds in the UK:
[C]onsideration should be given to creating some form of legislative provision to encourage employers to use mediation structures similar to the USA Ombudsman and [integrated conflict management] systems as a replacement for grievance style hearings in the resolution of employment disputes.
(Esplin, Employment Dispute Resolution in Great Britain, see pp. 15-19.)
Lehigh Appoints Two Ombuds
Job Posting: Kaiser Permanente
Prior job post: Kaiser Permanente.
For equations with one main condition
(Those linear), you have permission
To take your solutions,
With firm resolutions,
And add them in superposition. *
Let’s say a little more about the solution in eq. (3.2). If a is negative, then let’s define a = -cu2, where cu is a real number. The solution now becomes x(t) = Aeiojt + Be-iojt. Using eie = cos 6 + i sin 0, this can be written in terms of trig functions, if desired. Various ways of writing the solution are:
x(t) = Ae^' + Be-™'
x(t) = C cos cut+ D sin cut,
x(t) = Ecos(uut + 4>1),
x(t) = Fsin(cut + 4>2). (3.3)
The various constants here are related to each other. For example, C = E cos f1 and D = -E sin f1, which follow from the cosine sum formula. Note that there are two free parameters in each of the above expressions for x(t). These parameters are determined from the initial conditions (say, the position and speed at t = 0). Depending on the specifics of a given problem, one of the above forms will work better than the others.
If a is positive, then let’s define a = cu2, where cu is a real number. The solution in eq. (3.2) now becomes x(t) = Aeut + Be-"*. Using ee = cosh(9 + sinh<9,>
x(t) = Ae^ + Be-^
x(t) = C cosh cut+ Dsinh cut,
x(t) = Ecosh(cut + 4>1),
x(t) = Fsinh(cut + 4>2). (3.4)
Again, the various constants are related to each other. If you are unfamiliar with the hyperbolic trig functions, a few facts are listed in Appendix A.
Remarks: Although the solution in eq. (3.2) is completely correct for both signs of a, it is generally more illuminating to write the negative-a solutions in either the trig forms or the e±iujt exponential form where the i’s are explicit.
As in the first example above, you may be concerned that although we have found two solutions to the equation, we might have missed others. But the general theory of differential equations says that our second-order linear equation has only two independent solutions. Therefore, having found two independent solutions, we know that we’ve found them all. *
The usefulness of this method of guessing exponential solutions cannot be overemphasized. It may seem somewhat restrictive, but it works. The examples in the remainder of this chapter should convince you of this.
This is our method, essential,
For equations we solve, differential.
It gets the job done,
And it’s even quite fun.
We just try a routine exponential.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Oscilations part 1
Linear differential equations
A linear differential equation is one in which x and its time derivatives enter only through their first powers. An example is 3x¨+7x˙ +x = 0. An example of a nonlinear differential equation is 3x¨ + 7x˙2 + x = 0.
If the right-hand side of the equation is zero, then we use the term homogeneous differential equation. If the right-hand side is some function of t, as in the case of 3x¨ - 4x˙ = 9t2 - 5, then we use the term inhomogeneous differential equation. The goal of this chapter is to learn how to solve these two types of equations. Linear differential equations come up again and again in physics, so we had better find a systematic method of solving them.
The techniques that we will use are best learned through examples, so let’s solve a few differential equations, starting with some simple ones. Throughout this chapter, x will be understood to be a function of t. Hence, a dot will denote time differentiation.
Example 1 (x˙ = ax): This is a very simple differential equation. There are two ways (at least) to solve it.
First method: Separate variables to obtain dx/x = adt, and then integrate to obtain lnx = at + c. Exponentiate to obtain
x = Aeat, (3.1)
where A = ec is a constant factor. A is determined by the value of x at, say, t = 0.
Second method: Guess an exponential solution, that is, one of the form x = Aeat. Substitution into x = ax immediately gives a = a. Therefore, the solution is x = Aeat. Note that we can’t solve for A, due to the fact that our differential equation is homogeneous and linear in x (translation: A cancels out). A is determined from the initial condition.
This method may seem a bit silly, and somewhat cheap. But as we will see below, guessing these exponential functions (or sums of them) is actually the most general thing we can try, so the method is indeed quite general.
Remark: Using this method, you may be concerned that although we have found one solution, we might have missed another one. But the general theory of differential equations says that a first-order linear equation has only one independent solution (we’ll just accept this fact here). So if we find one solution, then we know that we’ve found the whole thing. *
Example 2 (x = ax): If a is negative, then this equation describes the oscillatory motion of, say, a spring. If a is positive, then it describes exponentially growing or decaying motion. There are two ways (at least) to solve this equation.
First method: We can use the separation-of-variables method of Section 2.3 here, because our system is one in which the force depends on only the position x. But this method is rather cumbersome, as you found if you did Exercise 2.10 or 2.11. It will certainly work, but in the case where our equation is a linear function of x, there is a much simpler method:
Second method: As in the first example above, we can guess a solution of the form x(t) = Aeat and then find out what a must be. Again, we can’t solve for A, because it cancels out. Plugging Aeat into i¨ = ax gives a = ±^. We have therefore found two solutions. The most general solution is an arbitrary linear combination of these,
x(t) = Ae^1 + Be-^\ (3.2)
as you can quickly check. A and B are determined from the initial conditions.
Very Important Remark: The fact that the sum of two different solutions is again a solution to our equation is a monumentally important property of linear differential equations. This property does not hold for nonlinear differential equations, for example x2 = x, because the act of squaring after adding the two solutions produces a cross term which destroys the equality, as you should check.
This property is called the principle of superposition. That is, superimposing two solutions yields another solution. This quality makes theories in physics that are governed by linear equations much easier to deal with than those that are governed by nonlinear ones. General Relativity, for example, is permeated with nonlinear equations, and solutions to most General Relativity systems are extremely difficult to come by.
New Chancellor at N.C. Central University Promises Ombuds Office
Friday, February 22, 2008
Cal Poly Pomona's Interim Ombuds to Retire
Prior posts: Cal Poly Pomona Debuts Ombuds Office; Job Posting.
Western Kentucky Names Interim Ombuds
Prior posts: Western Kentucky Students Protest for Staff Ombuds; Western Kentucky University to Create Ombuds Office.
Gallaudet Appoints Ombuds
Related posts: Gallaudet to Appoint Ombuds; Gallaudet Introduces Interim Ombuds, Announces Search.
Ombuds Office at the College for Creative Studies
Texas Tech Searching for Faculty Ombuds
Prior post: Texas Tech Considering Faculty Ombuds.
New Ombuds Office at Augsburg College
SBA Ombuds Sets Second Annual Regulatory Fairness Hearing
Related posts: SBA Ombuds Reports to Congress on Federal Agencies; SBA Ombuds to Host Regulatory Fairness Hearing.
Update: Ontario Ombuds Office Averts Strike
Prior post: Ontario Ombuds Facing Potential Strike.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Red Cross Ombuds Unveils Video
Related posts: First Red Cross Ombuds Promises to Strengthen "Sacred Trust" With Public; Why Your Website Needs a Photo.
So far as I can tell, this is the first public video by an Ombuds and Babers has set the bar very high. The video is professional, but not over-produced, and Babers makes a great impression. Her message is direct, thorough and succinct. It will be a valuable tool for the Red Cross office and should serve as inspiration for other Ombuds. Kudos!
U Arkansas Ombuds Creates "Safe Zones" for LGBTQ Community
Related posts: U of Arkansas Office of Student Mediation Changing Name to Ombuds Office; Texas Tech Ombuds to Help Administer Student Relief Funds.
My concern is that this program (with its worthy objectives) could lead some in the UA community to question the neutrality of the Ombuds Office. It seems the University could have established the Safe Zone Program through the Division of Student Affairs instead and accomplished the same goals.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Interview: Ombuds & Director of ADR Services for National Mediation Board
Related posts: Senate Bill Would Create DOD Ombuds Office; ICANN Ombuds Explains On-Line Dispute Resolution.
ACCRC/untangle installfest beta.
We hope to get 4 locations live on the first and hope to load over 400 machines in a single day.
System specs. hp netserver donated by the marin civic center. 5 32 gig scsi3 drives in raid 0.
Gig-e out to a very pretty trend switch donated by untangle.
Switch has two gig-e ins and 24 100baseT out.
Test data: Not big on broadcom gig-e cards. Like intel.
Loading ubuntu 7.10 on all machines. Machine spec is p3-750+ 512 mb mem and at least a 20gig hdd.
We will also probably use system as the burn in cluster and render povray animations on it.
Another Federal Court Relies on Immigration Ombuds' Report to Rule Against Government
Related post: US District Court Cites Report by Immigration Ombuds; Immigration Ombuds Tenders Resignation.
Meanwhile, the mainstream press has not yet reported on the abrupt resignation of Mr. Khatri, leading some to speculate on whether he was forced to resign because his criticism of Homeland Security was too effective or whether he simply abandoned the fight. Either way, we can only hope for another principled individual to take his office.
U Kansas Ombuds to Unveil Charter Document
Related post: KU Ombuds a Top "Mover and Shaker".
ACCUO Annual Conference in May 2008
- Investigator Training Workshop by Andre Marin, Gareth Jones & Sue Haslam, Ombudsman Ontario Office
- Leadership and Coaching Workshop by Robert Bisaillon, École des Hautes Études Commerciales
- Should an Academic Ombudsman/person Mediate Disputes? If so, When and How? by Nora Farrell, Ryerson University
- Imagination technique (controlling anxiety in students) by Norman Miller, McGill University
Ontario Ombuds Facing Potential Strike
Organizational ombuds should take the opportunity to consider how they would act if labor unrest threatened the function of their office.
How Systems Resist Change
- Marginalization;
- Negative Framing;
- Exaggeration;
- Personalization;
- Sentimentalization;
- Seduction;
- Alignment;
- Legitimization;
- Simplification;
- False Polarization;
- Selective Repression;
- Double Binds.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Immigration Ombuds Tenders Resignation
Related posts: US Immigration Officials Rejects Ombuds' Reform Proposal; US District Court Cites Report by Immigration Ombuds.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Southern California Ombuds Group Sets May Meeting
DC Schools Ombuds Reports on Progress
Related post: DC Schools Appoint First Ombuds.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Office of Thrift Supervision Appoints Ombuds
Experts Recommend Little Rock Schools Restore Ombuds Program
More Thoughts on the Decline of News Ombuds
Dvorkin points to research that supports the need for an ombuds. One study by the Guardian in London showed that the cost of litigation drops by as much as 30% when there is an ombuds on staff. Other studies have shown that having an ombuds increases credibility and community respect for the newspaper or broadcaster and that an ombuds is good for internal newsroom morale. Dvorkin also notes that support for news ombuds is coming from non-news ombuds, whose ranks are growing fast in academia, government and not-for-profits. (
Related post: Are Press Ombuds In Decline?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
U Washington Faces Lawsuit Despite Mediation by Ombuds
The plaintiff was a former equipment manager for the football team. She claims that a consensual sexual relationship with Roc Alexander became increasingly abusive and culminated in an assault. Months later, the plaintiff went to the UW athletic department and reported what had happened. She was advised to step down from her position with the team to avoid harassment by any of the players. Refusing, she agreed to attend a three-hour mediation overseen by the University Ombuds, where she asked that Alexander be suspended from the football team. The plaintiff alleged that at the conclusion of the mediation, the Ombuds "decided that Alexander would undergo counseling and perform community service." The plaintiff also claimed that, although the UW has a program for sexual-assault victims, the Ombuds did not refer her to that program.
In interviews with Seattle Times, the plaintiff said the mediation was "totally biased" against her. "I think that's the thing that has stuck with me -- how [the mediation] was run and the lack of outcome." The current UW Ombuds said Monday that the UW no longer uses mediation in cases of alleged sexual assault. (S.S. v. Alexander, No. 58335-2 (Wash. Ct. App., Feb. 11, 2008); Seattle Times; Seattle Post-Intelligencer.)
The procedural posture of the case dictated that the appeals court assume the plaintiff's version of facts to be true in order to address the legal sufficiency of her claims. These facts will therefore be challenged and tested in the trial court. Nonetheless, this case is sure to raise concern among ombuds and mediators. Here are the
- The UW Ombuds has a mandate to assist in protecting students' rights, is charged with the authority to receive complaints from students, and may recommend redress by the University President when the Ombuds has been unable to resolve the matter;
- The decision to conduct the mediation was made by the Ombuds, the Athletic Director, and the Assistant Athletic Director;
- The Ombuds did not disclose on-campus or off-campus resources to the plaintiff;
- The Ombuds revealed details of her conversation with Alexander to the plaintiff before the mediation;
- Mediation communications by the parties and the Ombuds/mediator came in to evidence (with no consideration of Washington's statutory mediation privilege);
- The mediation was resolved by a decision by the Ombuds/mediator and the Assistant Athletic Director;
- After the mediation, the Ombuds/mediator dictated a written statement for the plaintiff, acknowledging the matter was closed; and
- The Ombuds was an "appropriate official" for purposes of notice under Title IX.
Ombuds can take some solace in the apparent fact that the UW program does not conform to IOA Standards of Practice and thus is not an Organizational Ombuds per se. In particular, the mandate for the UW Ombuds specifically prevents it from being neutral, impartial, and informal. Moreover, the UW Ombuds disclosed communications that Organizational Ombuds would consider confidential. However, since the court did not recognize these distinctions, this is small comfort.
Job Posting: San Diego State University
Related post: New Ombuds at Princeton.
Former Kent State Ombuds Passes
Monday, February 11, 2008
California Appellate Court Details Intervention by UCI Ombuds
“meant to revisit the decision in the interest of procedural fairness [regarding] first-year review and not the substance of the discussion leading to the outcome during the first-year review.” Essentially, the Ombudsman made clear he was questioning the process, and was not attempting to second-guess the academic decisions of the faculty. Many of the questions were focused on whether students were being given adequate notice of what was expected, and given the earliest possible notice of deficiencies.
The History Department renewed its recommendation that the student be awarded a terminal master's degree, but offered him a second chance on certain conditions. Ultimately however, the student was terminated from the University and filed suit. The appellate court upheld summary judgment for UCI in part and returned a few remaining claims to the trial court. Subsequently, the case settled. (Lachtman v. Regents of Univ. of Cal., 158 Cal. App. 4th 187, 70 Cal. Rptr. 3d 147, 2007 Cal. App. LEXIS 2063 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. 2007).)
As a published decision, this case may be cited as precedent by California courts. Although the court did not address the propriety and scope of the Ombuds' limited involvement, readers may question how the Ombuds’ email came into evidence.
Related post: UC Irvine Appoints Ombuds Office Director.
US District Court Cites Report by Immigration Ombuds
Although this decision of a trial court does not create precedent, it is reassuring to see an Ombuds report cited as credible evidence of the need for transparency and reasonableness in the Executive Branch.
Related posts: Lawsuits Seeking Immigration Reform Cite Ombuds Report; US Immigration Officials Rejects Ombuds' Reform Proposal; Immigration Ombuds Cites FBI Delays as Major Immigration Problem; Summaries of Forums Hosted by Immigration Ombuds Available Online.
UMass-Amherst Ombuds Releases Annual Report
Related post: UMass-Amherst Ombuds Comments on Student's Lawsuit.
Stanford Appoints Med Center Ombuds
Prior job post: Stanford School of Medicine.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Update: UGA President Agrees to Consider Ombuds for Staff and Students
Prior post: University of Georgia Petitions for Staff Ombuds
Update: House Approves Bill to Create Higher Education Accreditation Ombuds
Prior post: House Bill Would Create College Accreditation Ombuds.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
S&P to Hire Ombuds
Market pressures are pushing the financial services industry to become more responsive, transparent and ethical. These forces will certainly create additional opportunities for Organizational Ombuds. The announcement by S&P is just the latest example of the trend. (See these related posts: Job Posting at Merrill Lynch; SEC Affirms Role of NASD Ombuds; Lawyers Advised Wall Street Journal Owners to Hire Internal Ombuds; NASDAQ and Banking Lobby Endorse Ombuds for Accounting Oversight.) It would also seem that financial institutions are (or should be) reassured by existing Ombuds programs at Alliance Bernstein, American Express, The Hartford, Putnam, Royal Bank of Canada, ScotiaBank, and TD Bank Financial Group.
Hawai'i School Board Fires Ombuds
NY Times Calls for Restoration of FOIA Ombuds
Rather than fulfilling Congress’s bipartisan mandate to establish the ombudsman at the respected National Archives, the Bush budget attempts a shell-game switch of the new watchdog to the Department of Justice. Mediator? This is the very administration-friendly agency already responsible for defending agencies against lawsuits by citizens denied their information requests.* * *The ombudsman’s independence is at the heart of repairing the information law. Congress must strike down the president’s end-run and keep the new watchdog at the National Archives, alert to the public’s understandable suspicions about its government.
(NY Times.)
Prior post: Bush Defunds FOIA Ombuds Program.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
IOA Announces Conference Details and Opens Registration
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
University of Georgia Petitions for Staff Ombuds
Related post: University of Georgia Names Ombuds.
Update: Bush Defunds FOIA Ombuds Program
Daniel J. Metcalfe, who ran the DOJ Office of Information and Privacy before retiring voiced his concern. “Ironically, this is so transparent: OMB and Justice seek to avoid complying with this FOIA amendment by instead merely proposing its alteration, and through an appropriations process that of course won’t conclude until near the end of the year, if even by then,” Metcalfe said. “Meanwhile, existing law is flouted, a terrible example is set for FOIA implementation, and ‘the clock is run out’ by this administration. Congress should see through this and not tolerate it.” (Austin American-Statesman;
Prior posts: Are Ombuds the Solution to FOIA Disputes?; Coalition Advocates Federal FOIA Ombuds; Bill to Create FOIA Ombuds Goes to President;