


038628037504 (1) 10150 (1) 10BURIED (1) 10Count (1) 110011040 (1) 115Ounce (1) 1200mg (1) 12BSN (1) 12Count (2) 12CountNutricor (1) 12CountWWSN (1) 12Fresh (1) 12Stacker (3) 12VPX (1) 140243 (1) 14Servings (1) 158Ounce (1) 15Ounce (1) 16Ounce (2) 1716 (1) 17Skque (1) 1lbinLife (1) 2000Hrs (1) 2000mg (1) 200Watt (1) 2021A (1) 20OunceNatures (1) 2412Ounce (1) 24Count (1) 24EAS59134 (1) 24FRS (1) 24Guru (1) 24Guru01GR124 (2) 24Nestle (2) 24Pediasure (2) 24Peptamen (1) 24PieceDisplay (1) 24Solis (2) 27ReSource (2) 2Biochem (1) 2Dynamic (1) 2Jarrow (1) 2Muscle (1) 2Natures (1) 2Ounce (3) 2Pound (1) 30Day (1) 328601 (1) 334928 (1) 336gOptimum (1) 37Ounce (1) 3Ensure (1) 3M (1) 414 (1) 432500 (1) 48Boost (1) 48Fluid (1) 48ml (1) 4Ensure (1) 4Isopure (1) 5000mg (1) 527408 (1) 5511786 (1) 574400 (1) 5Hour (2) 5Ounces (1) 600Kendall (1) 662380 (1) 6Beneprotein (1) 6Proteinex (1) 70951 (1) 750mlNutriPrima (1) 845Ounce (1) 84Fluid (2) 84OuncesLiquid (1) 89Inch (1) 8nuun (2) 8Ounce (7) 99369FR 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Friday, April 29, 2011

Interview With Kaiser Permanente Health Care Ombuds

The Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog features an interview with David Richardson, PhD. Richardson introduces himself and gives an overview of his the role of the Ombuds within the sprawling Kaiser Permanente health care system. (Kaiser employs 28 HCOMs in California across 35 locations.) "The primary focus when the Ombudsman is involved is to achieve a resolution concerning patient-clinician issues at the earliest possible opportunity and lowest possible level, well before they are elevated to a legal claim," he said.

Before joining Kaiser as an Ombudsman, Richardson worked at The Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles as the Center Administrator for Behavioral Neuroscience Research Center and later as the Administrative Director for the College of Medicine. He earned his doctorate in Psychology and completed mediation training at the School of Law at Loyola Marymount University. He points out that he presently is the the only Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioner at Kaiser. The interview was conducted by Mathew Pauley, the Medical Bioethics Director at Kaiser's Fontana and Ontario Vineyard Medical Centers, and a Marquette Law School alumnus. (Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog.)

Update: California State University San Marcos Appoints First Ombuds

CSUSM has appointed Willie “Derrick” Crawford to the newly created position of Associate Vice President of Diversity and Educational Equity and Ombudsperson. Crawford leaves a position as the Chief Diversity/EEO Officer at The Citadel in South Carolina. Previously, he was the National Football League’s director of human resources and senior compliance officer. (San Diego Union Tribune.)

Prior: Job Posting.

Update: NPR Names Next Ombudsman

On June 1, 2011, Edward Schumacher-Matos, will replace Alicia Shepard as the Ombudsman for NPR. He was the founding editor and associate publisher of the Wall Street Journal Americas, and served as bureau chief for the New York Times in Madrid and Buenos Aires. Until recently, he wrote a syndicated column for the Washington Post. In 1980, he was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize for covering the Three Mile Island accident for the Philadelphia Inquirer. (Poynter.)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Agriculture a lucrative industry yet to be fully exploited

“The market for food is getting bigger in Sarawak to make Agriculture a lucrative industry. For example, the volume of import for food products in the 90s was only RM600 million but now it has raised to RM2.8 billion.  The market is getting bigger and yet to be fully exploited by members of the farming community. 

Besides, the export volume of the agricultural products has also increased from RM1.1 billion to RM6 billion during the last 10 years. This truly reflects the State’s capability to increase export volume in the Agricultural sector.  Obviously, there is no limit within the context of the Agricultural sector for members of the farming community to produce and sell their products to the market. 

However, they must be prepared to work hard and use all the modern techniques of farming to increase output and raise the level of their income.”

Generally, farmers, gardeners, breeders and fishermen now know that their fates are in their own hands and they can improve them.  The State government also takes cognizance after holding the Farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen day for a number of times of the necessity to intensify efforts to improve the livelihood of the farming community through working together and having discussions and cooperation among members; these three important elements must prevail in the common struggle to improve the livelihood of people in rural areas.  

For this reason, Farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen day is being held regularly with the primary objective to promote appreciation of knowledge and co-operation among them in the common struggle to improve their standard of living. The growth in the agricultural sector started to decline in the 70s but it began to pick up again in the 90s.  

Understandably, the share of the Agricultural sector in the economic cake or GDP is low as the economy becomes bigger. However, the standard of living of the agricultural practitioners comprising of farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen has improved greatly.  The incidence of poverty in 1985 was 32% and now it has dropped to 5.3% only.

Quite obviously, the poor people living all over the place are mainly farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen, who have been able to improve their standard of living.  Their success can be attributed to positive steps, as depicted in activities of Farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen day celebration, being taken by the government. Though efforts to improve the people, who are depending on agriculture for their livelihood, have been quite successful, they must be intensified as about 30% of the people still depend on it. In America, only 2% of the total population depends on the agricultural sector. 

However, it is encouraging to see a growing decline in the number of people still involving in traditional agriculture; the number of those involved in shifting cultivation is negligible. In other words, there is a growing shift to modern agriculture from the traditional one.  There are now about 160,000 people in estates as compared to 180,000 in the sector of smallholders.  It can be anticipated that the figures will change as more and more people shift to work in the development of estate or plantation.  

Besides, there will be continuous improvements in the management and marketing of the products, which will be increased with greater applications of inputs from research. Generally, efforts to modernize agriculture with greater application of research findings, better system of management and marketing should be able to improve the livelihood of the people.  Undoubtedly members of the farming community comprising of farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen will be able to improve the quality of their products in order to fetch better prices. 

Basically, the market for food is getting bigger in Sarawak to make Agriculture a lucrative industry. The potentials of agricultural industry are yet to be fully tapped by members of the farming community. For example, the volume of import for food products in the 90s was only RM600 million but now it has raised to RM2.8 billion.  The market is getting bigger and yet to be fully exploited by members of the farming community. In other words, the opportunity is big and waiting to be tapped by members of the community.

Besides, the export volume of the agricultural products has also increased from RM1.1 billion to RM6 billion during the last 10 years. This truly reflects the State’s capability to increase export volume in the Agricultural sector.  Obviously, there is no limit within the context of the Agricultural sector for members of the farming community to produce and sell their products to the market. For this reason, they must be prepared to work hard and use all the modern techniques of farming to increase output and raise the level of their income. 

Opportunities for members of the farming community in the middle age group can be considered to be quite wide while those for the new generation have no limit; they are no longer confined to farming and gardening only. More and more women are getting involved in the development of industries. Unlike before, they will be spending less and less time to prepare for food for themselves and their families. 

For this reason, it can be anticipated that more and more people will buy cooked or prepared food. For example, before people used to make their own cakes but now they buy them from the market; of course it is easier to buy rather than to make them. As a consequence, a person who has been making and selling cake like the traditional Kuih Lapis can become a millionaire.  

All agricultural practitioners must be prepared to work hard to exploit opportunities that keep on growing in the agricultural sector to uplift our standard of living. They can start with the cottage industry to process food, which must have consistency of taste and quality in packaging. In this regard, the State Government would like to see more emphasis being made by Agriculture department through the extension workers to encourage greater understanding of processing, packaging and improvement in the branding of the cottage industry. Generally, farmers will have more potential in exporting their products by having consistency in taste and quality in packaging. 

The packaging of products can help to make them attractive to customers. For example, cooked or processed products must be consistent in taste for them to become products of choice in the market. The volume of sale can increase manifolds if the products can be sold in Peninsula Malaysia.  For example, Kuih Lapis has not been able to meet the demand of market there. We have not talked about the market in Singapore and other countries in this region yet. For this reason, we must have plans for market strategy, quality control, packaging and organization to export our products.  

Obviously, members of the farming community in rural areas will have more opportunities to improve the quality of their livelihood provided they are prepared to work hard for the purpose. In this connection, the women movement at various levels must be used as a channel to improve the quality of their life. In other words, the quality of life can be made as incentive for the people to work hard to improve their livelihood.   

The State will be pursuing a bigger transformation relating to processing of food, culture of fish using bio-tech processes in the development of SCORE. Now we can rear chickens without injecting them with anti-biotic to prevent the spread of diseases. Instead, the chickens can be fed with food containing enzyme now undergoing continuous research with a view to upgrade the quality and diversify the products. The food will be cleaner and healthier for consumption. 

In other words, chickens will be fed with enzyme that does not require them to be injected with anti-biotic.  Very soon Sarawak will have the capability to produce organic food for export anywhere in the world market. Once the people can raise the level of their income from the middle to high income, they may also prefer to eat organic food. This will be trend to change the way of life to become more comfortable, healthier and more hygienic.

Obviously, members of the farming community will have a lot of advantages by adopting a more efficient way to process their products in order to fetch good prices in the world market. The issue in the agricultural sector is no longer confined to the ownership of land any more.  This has become a petty issue in the overall struggle of farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen to raise their standard of living.

The major consideration is how to increase the number of the farming community to practice better ways of processing food for bigger market. In this connection, a section in SCORE will focus on food processing using bio-technology and marketing of the products using specific brand. SCORE is studying ways how to export products that can be guaranteed of high quality from the aspects of hygiene, cleanliness and health from Tanjung Manis to the world Market. 

It has become the responsibility of Muslims and Halal hub to ensure that food to be produced in Tanjung Manis will become premium food products in the near future. The value of Halal food market, according to a world survey, was US600 billion in 2009. It is expected to reach US1 trillion in the next five years. Obviously, the Halal food industry is a huge industry that can bring about tremendous changes in the way we develop the Halal hub in SCORE. 

Regrettably, some people have been trying to instigate the people, purely to score political points, by making allegations that the government is forcing non Muslims to embrace Islam to produce Halal food.  Let me say here, even big companies like Nestle is diversifying its products to meet the requirements of Halal market. We all know Nestle is Swiss company with the headquarters near Davos in Switzerland. It is not a Muslim company but it sees opportunities to make more profits from the World Halal market. All of us must know this new development. 

Understandably, the State government will carry out research to diversify usage of oil palm in estates from Suai in Niah all the way to Betong and Sri Aman, which are huge and contiguous in nature. It simply means that the economy of scale is tremendous.  We have been able to plan earlier variety of products that can be processed from oil palm and not merely to produce cooking oil as being done before.  We shall be able to do so as Sarawak has been able to start quite early planning for a more sophisticated processing from physical to chemical processing for industrial products and straight to bio-tech processing technology. This will give us huge profits in future. 

The whole farming community or all the people who are involved in agriculture, livestock rearing and deep sea fishing will be able to benefit from their endeavors. For example, fishermen will be taught the new way of rearing fish.  Once they become good at it, they can rear fish with an understanding that their fish will be bought and processed by food processing industry at Tanjung Manis.

In other words, people can undergo training first on how to run an organic farm to culture fish or prawn or other products with a certain understanding that their products will be bought and processed by industries in Tanjung Manis in order to fetch good prices. 

An area with a total acreage of 77,000 hectare is being allocated for organic farming in Tanjung Manis. A total 40,000 of hectares have already been allocated to a number of companies to set up their factories that will be able to create a lot of employment opportunities for the people, initially for the people in surrounding areas. Later, those opportunities will also spread to distant places. For example, the people in Paloh, Tanjung Sirik, Sarikei, Selalang, Kabong and Roban will have opportunities to take part in the development of the new economy in Tanjung Manis; some of them all the way to Tunoh in the North may also be involved in the production of food using bio-technology.

Obviously, the trend for the agricultural sector is to modernize it using in-depth knowledge and relevant expertise to become a modern industry; its importance will not decline in the overall development of the economy towards the year 2020 and beyond. The process will require more people with knowledge and relevant expertise to do research and more professionals to do management.  Besides, farmers themselves must undergo various types of trainings to enable them to meet the demands of their new professions in pursuit for higher incomes. 

I feel oblige to paint this kind of picture for example of a well organized development of Halal hub with all the modern practices that must be made to spread to other areas. The State government is studying the possibility of developing economic zone that can spread to Mukah and other places according to phases in the overall modernization of the Agricultural industry. 

Besides, a study is being made how to duplicate the model created in Halal hub to be applicable in Kanowit, Kapit, Betong, Stumbin and other places. This is the kind of picture that members of the farming community must be able to visualize of the industry for future. It will be the new trend in the development of Agriculture for the whole of Sarawak.  This will be the new way forward in the next 20 years in the overall efforts to raise the income levels of the farming community. 

The people working in the agricultural sector should be able to earn higher income in future with continuous increases in the prizes of food and other agricultural products and more products can be made from palm oil.  The new trend in the modernization of agriculture, beginning with the implementation of the 10th Malaysia Plan, will be able to vindicate the fate of farmers towards the year 2020 and beyond. 

In other words, efforts to modernize the agricultural sector, through it may be small as compared to other sectors, should be able to uplift the quality of life of the farming community during the plan period. 

However, there must be greater realization among farmers, growers, breeders and fishermen day, of the necessity to work harder to realize the common dreams of having better life in the migration from the middle to high income. 


 *Photos Source

New R&D program to help Canadian companies compete globally

April 25, 2011

The launch of a new federally funded national internship program will help Canadian companies compete in the global marketplace through advanced research and development. Connect Canada, a $5-million, five-year program, was launched at an event hosted by Chrysler Canada at the University of Windsor-Chrysler Canada Automotive Research and Development Centre (ARDC).

In its five years of funding, Connect Canada expects to place 750 graduate students at companies across Canada in all economic sectors. For a small investment, companies will be able to hire a dedicated graduate-level student intern to investigate research issues relevant to their business needs. Interns will gain valuable industry experience while working on R&D projects that enhance their graduate studies.

Japanese production suffers record fall

April 28, 2011

Japanese factory output suffered a record decline in March as the devastating tsunami crippled supply chains across the world's third-largest economy.

The government said production plummeted 15.3 per cent in March from February, the biggest decline since records began in 1953, and worse than analysts had expected. Household spending dropped 8.5 per cent from a year earlier.

Lockheed Martin to pursue growth outside US

The Financial Times
April 26, 2011

Lockheed Martin, the largest US defence contractor by revenues, expects a strong rise in international sales to provide most of its growth over the next two to three years, while US sales are flat, the company said on Tuesday.

It made the prediction as it reported first-quarter earnings from continuing operations up 12 per cent at $1.55 per share, roughly in line with analysts’ expectations. The company raised its projection of expected full-year earnings slightly, to $6.95-$7.25, from previous guidance of $6.70-$7, thanks to a $90m benefit from a successful appeal over tax payments for 2003-08.

Although the immediate budget crisis in the US has passed with the agreement to avoid a government shutdown, Lockheed is still facing a future of constrained military funding in its home country, which accounts for about 85 per cent of revenues.
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Materials costs squeeze US industry

The Finanical Times
April 27, 2011

Rising prices for commodities such as oil and steel and inflation in emerging economies are a threat to the revival of US manufacturing industry, executives at some of the leading companies have warned.

Manufacturers such as United Technologies, Honeywell, Eaton, Ford Motor and Boeing have been reporting stronger-than-expected earnings for the first quarter and often raising their forecasts of growth for the full year.

Lubi is World's Most Efficient Solar Device

Magog, Canada (SPX)
April 28, 2011

Enerconcept Technologies has introduced the Lubi, the world's most efficient solar air heater, that features significant energy savings and quick paybacks for commercial, institutional and industrial facilities.

The Lubi is a wall-mounted solar collector that simulates an aesthetic architectural glass-like facade, but provides up to 80.7-percent peak heating efficiencies, which is the highest efficiency ever recorded for any solar air technology, according to Canadian Standards Association (CSA-International) certification tests.

Los Angeles pilot program offers up to $2,000 off EV charging stations 
April 25, 2011

You can already get a pretty hefty federal rebate on an electric vehicle, and it looks like at least some folks in Los Angeles can now also save a good chunk of change on an EV charging station. LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa just announced a new pilot program this week that will provide rebates of "up to $2,000" on home EV charging stations -- to the first 1,000 applicants, that is. That will apparently be expanded soon enough, however, with the city promising to begin accepting additional applications on May 1st, and eventually cover up to 5,000 EV chargers. Those receiving the rebate will also be required to participate in the LADWP's Residential Time-of-Use Rate that offers discounts for charging during off-peak hours, and the city will monitoring charging patterns in an effort to determine how to best allocate resources. Head on past the break for the full press release.

Chicken Fat Fuel Emissions Look Cleaner And Greener

Edwards CA (SPX)
April 28, 2011

NASA recently performed emissions testing on alternative, renewable fuels for a greener and less petroleum-dependent future. The search for alternative fuels is driven by environmental concerns as well as a desire for reduced reliance on foreign sources.

"Renewable" means that the fuel source isn't some form of fossil fuel. The source could be algae, a plant such as jatropha, or even rendered animal fat. In late March and early April 2011, a team at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in California tested renewable biofuel made from chicken and beef tallow in one of the four engines of a DC-8 airplane.

Food vs fuel: the debate is over

Guelph, Canada (SPX)
April 28, 2011

A new study released by the Grain Farmers of Ontario should put an end to the ongoing debate of whether the grain we grow should be used for food or fuel. We can and should do both.

The abundance of grain grown by farmers around the world and here in Ontario can both protect the environment and feed the world. As farm yields climb and investments are made in farm production in the developing world, feeding and fueling the world can even be done cost effectively.

Compressed air energy storage has bags of potential

The Engineer
April 25, 2011

The only thing you can say for certain about British weather is that it’s unpredictable. One minute the sun is shining. The next, you’re soaked through by April showers. Given our eclectic weather and island status, you’d think that we’d be an ideal location for wind power. But despite leading the world in offshore wind capacity, wind contributes less than three per cent of the UK’s energy needs. The power these sources generate is intermittent, and that’s a big sticking point for investment in the technology.
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Thermal barrier coating could boost efficiency of gas turbines

The Engineer
April 27, 2011

A spin-out company from Imperial College London has developed a thermal barrier coating for gas turbine parts that can optically feed back its temperature and ageing status even while the engine is running at full speed.

The main application for the technology is in power-generating gas turbines, where the coating could help to achieve significant efficiency savings.
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Report: Storage for spent nuclear fuel more crucial than ever

MIT News
April 27, 2011

Japanese nuclear crisis adds to the urgency of dealing with radioactive used fuel, and may raise cost of new plants, MIT study says

The United States and other countries around the world looking to nuclear power for their energy needs must consider how spent fuel will be handled as they construct new plants and examine existing ones, especially in light of the recent crisis in Japan, according to a comprehensive study from MIT.

The ongoing problems at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi powerplant — caused by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami — have been significantly exacerbated by the presence of used fuel housed in the reactor buildings, and demonstrate the urgency needed in dealing with such waste, the report’s authors say. It specifically underscores the importance of finding a way to deal with the growing amount of spent nuclear fuel housed at existing U.S. nuclear plants.

Caterpillars inspire new movements in soft robots

The Institute of Physics
April 27, 2011

Researchers have been examining the diverse behaviours of caterpillars to find solutions for the new generation of search and rescue soft robots.

Despite their extreme flexibility and adaptability, current soft-bodied robots are often limited by their slow speed, leading the researchers to turn to terrestrial soft-bodied animals for inspiration.

Some caterpillars have the extraordinary ability to rapidly curl themselves into a wheel and propel themselves away from predators. This highly dynamic process, called ballistic rolling, is one of the fastest wheeling behaviours in nature.
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This heat pump can last 10,000 years

University of Stavanger
April 27, 2011

Researchers now are testing an entirely new heat pump. While those we use today last ten to twenty years, the new one will last almost forever.

The new heat pump consists of many miniature heat pumps as small as one cubic millimeter. To heat a house one needs several thousand of them. They are put together into larger units that can be tall and thin or short and wide.

The most important advantages of the new heat pump is that you can regulate its size and form and that it is more durable than heat pumps are today. It is also more environmentally friendly, Doctor of Physics Jan Kåre Bording says, who is Chief Engineer at the University of Stavanger in Norway.

California may use vibrational energy of driving to generate power
April 27, 2011

When you get into your car, for the daily commute or for a relaxing weekend visit to a friend house you give off energy. Not just the energy from the fossil fuels that you burn, but a different kind of energy, vibrational energy. Most of us do not give that energy a second thought, unless we're trying to do something that requires fine motor skills, such as putting the lid back onto your slightly deformed cup of scalding hot coffee, but it is there.

It is also a potential source of a green, and renewable energy. California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, a democrat from the Burbank district, hopes to help his home state to use it effectively. He has put in motion a legislation proposing that, if it passes, would create a pilot program designed to capture those vibrations.

New Triton submarine in race to reach ocean bottom
April 28, 2011

Step back to 1960 when Trieste, the first and only manned vessel, reached the deepest known part of the ocean called Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench near Guam. No other vessel has ever managed to reach this depth of near 36,000 feet. In an announcement this week, Triton Submarines hopes to be the next to reach this great depth in a newly designed submersible.
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Swiss solar plane to attempt first international flight

April 28, 2011

Switzerland's solar-powered aircraft is expected to attempt its first international flight as early as next week to Brussels, the team managing the project said on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Michigan State University Ombuds to Retire

Stan Soffin, who has served as the MSU Ombudsman for 13 years, has announced he will retire in August. Soffin said that he will continue as a consultant to the MSU Office of the Ombudsman for an additional year. His retirement will mark the end of 43 years of work at the campus in East Lansing.

Doug Estry, the associate provost for undergraduate education, had high praise fro Soffin. “He is informed, he is knowledgeable, he appreciates and advocates both for the rights of the student as well as the rights and responsibilities of the faculty — he is truly the definition of what an ombudsman should be.” A search for Soffin's replacement has not been announced. (The State News.)

Collecting Your Data

April 25, 2011

The latest controversy covers the privacy and the trade of personal data from your mobile phone more so, your smart device.  Apple is collecting iPhone and iPad users data.  However, it has also came out that Apple is not the only company collecting data.  Google has been doing the same thing with its Android operating systems.  Google came under fire when they were caught collecting similar Wi-Fi data from its street view cars.  As a smart phone user,  I was very stunned.  I did not sign up for this but, I am sure this is all covered in the fine print which no person ever reads.  After doing more research about the topic, I was more surprised of what I have learned.  This is far from being a recent issue, tracking of individuals via their cellphones has been going on for almost ten years at least.

The movements of Apple users were tracked and stored in a hidden iOS file which gets synced to their PC every time they connect the phone. The secret file was discovered by computer experts and made public at the recent Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco. Apple confirms that "it "intermittently" collects location data, including GPS coordinates, of many iPhone users and nearby Wi-Fi networks and transmits that data to itself every 12 hours, according to a letter the company sent to U.S. Reps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) last year."

According to security analyst Samy Kamkar, an HTC Android phone collected its location every few seconds and transmitted the data to Google at least several times an hour. It also transmitted the name, location and signal strength of any nearby Wi-Fi networks, as well as a unique phone identifier." These results were reviewed and confirmed by another independent consultant. Google said it uses some of the data to build accurate traffic maps. A cellphone's location data can provide details about, for instance, how fast traffic is moving along a stretch of highway. They goes on to say that the Wi-Fi data it collects is anonymous and that it deletes the start and end points of every trip that it uses in its traffic maps. However, the data by provided Samy Kamkar, contained a unique identifier tied to an individual's phone.

The Wall Street Journal reported on April 22, 2010, "Google and Apple are gathering location information as part of their race to build massive databases capable of pinpointing people's locations via their cellphones. These databases could help them tap the $2.9 billion market for location-based services expected to rise to $8.3 billion in 2014, according to research firm Gartner Inc." Hence by buying a smart phone or a tablet PC, you are automatically consented to have Apple or Google to collect your data and target personal advertisement based on your activities. This will only help them to generate more revenue from users of there products.

More shocking is that under the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the FCC mandated that by October 1, 2001 a quarter of all new cellphones be equipped with GPS functionality that would allow authorities to track the location of users. By the end of 2002, this became a mandatory requirement of all new cellphones. Mobile phone companies have been tracking their users, in line with government mandates. Even though, there are many positive aspects with these smart devices. It could also allows your personal data to be used for commercial marketing(OS, third parties apps and mobile carriers) and government matters(police). US lawmakers have invited Apple and Google to attend a hearing on privacy next month following claims the iPhone and Android devices regularly track a user's location and stores the data. This is a step in the right direction and hopefully this is will result in giving users the option to be tracked.

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In the wake of the wind

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
April 11, 2011

On the Front Range within the Rocky Mountains, prevailing winds sweep eastward over the mountains smack into the National Wind Technology Center.

Several wind turbines, some taller than a 40-story building, spin and hum at the site, just outside of Boulder, Colo., waiting for an experiment to start in the next month.

The turbines not only produce power, they produce wakes -- similar to what forms in bodies of water -- that are invisible ripples and waves and other disturbances in the atmosphere downstream that can damage turbines and decrease efficiency. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers and collaborators will launch a study of those wakes this month, with an eye toward improving the efficiency of wind farms.

The scientists also will collect valuable data that will help validate the wind flow models developed at Livermore and other laboratories and universities.
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Most powerful millimeter-scale energy harvester generates electricity from vibrations

University of Michigan
April 25, 2011

Electrical engineers at the University of Michigan have built a device that can harness energy from vibrations and convert it to electricity with five to 10 times greater efficiency and power than other devices in its class. And it's smaller than a penny.

"In a tiny amount of space, we've been able to make a device that generates more power for a given input than anything else out there on the market," said Khalil Najafi, one of the system's developers and chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Zeroing in on the Elusive Green LED

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
April 26, 2011

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new method for manufacturing green-colored LEDs with greatly enhanced light output.

The research team, led by Christian Wetzel, professor of physics and the Wellfleet Constellation Professor of Future Chips at Rensselaer, etched a nanoscale pattern at the interface between the LED’s sapphire base and the layer of gallium nitride (GaN) that gives the LED its green color. Overall, the new technique results in green LEDs with significant enhancements in light extraction, internal efficiency, and light output.

The discovery brings Wetzel one step closer to his goal of developing a high-performance, low-cost green LED.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Soon Koh can still be appointed without representing SUPP

The appointment of a Minister in the State Cabinet is the prerogative of the Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud and the Central Committee of SUPP or any other organizations representing the Chinese community has no say about it.

That was how the appointment of Dato Seri Wong Soon Koh, the re-elected State Assemblyman for Bawang Assan was made.  To this, the Central Committee of SUPP has no say about it.

Remember, Pehin Sri Abdul Taib has been given a fresh mandate, with more than a two-thirds majority in the just concluded Sarawak’s 10th State elections, to lead the State Government with negligible support from the Chinese community; thanks to very vicious campaign against him by DAP.

Whether Wong Soon Koh represents SUPP or the Chinese community is immaterial.  However, he should endeavor to give appropriate feedback to the Government on issues affecting the community. Obviously, as SUPP, has been rejected by the Chinese, Wong will have to embark on the arduous task to rebuild a bridge between the Chinese community and the government.

In this respect, SUPP must learn to apportion the blame on itself and not to be too quick in pointing fingers to others for its defeats, which were not entirely due to the strength of DAP. After all, why should it be only SUPP that lost the seats and not PBB when BN was facing the same opposition?   It was a fact that SUPP was still plagued by internal bickering right into the elections.   

Nobody expect SUPP, which has been badly discredited, to make demand for the party’s representation in the Government in the State Cabinet or even at the levels of local authorities. On paper, SUPP has been wiped out in Chinese areas. Wong Soon Koh managed to cling on his seat of Bawang Assan with support of Bumiputra voters. It is doubtful that Lee Kim Shin, with the vote’s difference of 58 can feel comfortable with his victory especially with his opponent’s expressed intention to bring the matter, suspected case of vote rigging, to court. 

In the past SUPP, in the name of the Chinese community, used to make demand or covert threats that the appointment of chairmen of Municipalities of Kuching City South,  Padawan, Sibu Urban and Miri city should be reserved for the party.

As SUPP cannot claim to represent the Chinese community now, such appointments should be reviewed.    SUPP, with the inclination to stay away from the government for obvious reasons that it has completely been discredited, should decide to withdraw its  nominees not only as chairmen and secretaries but all councilors of the municipal councils.

Remember, the Chinese community has overwhelmingly rejected   the option to be part of the government in spite of repeated reminder that it would be to their disadvantages to stay outside it.  However, their decision must be respected and people, who claimed to represent the community in the government, even at the level of local councils, must be removed.  After all there are lots of qualified Bumiputras who can take over from them.

Basically, the Chinese community, like other communities cannot expect to reject the government in the elections and still expect to enjoy the privileges from it. Politics is about decisions and choices. This must be made be fully understood by all.

Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud, in his speech to launch Sejiwa Senada program for Kuching City South on March 26 spoke of the possibility that residents in Kuching might have to pay for extra rates for services to be carried out by the local council. Undoubtedly, if they are to be imposed the opposition will be quick to accuse the government of punishing urban voters for voting against it. 

Pehin Sri Abdul Taib said residents of Kuching must appreciate that they cannot expect to have the situation since the 70s where no extra rates have ever been charged for extra services that have been given to them by the government through municipal councils.

Their conscientiousness must be aroused with a bit of education to make them appreciate that for every service that they expect to come up with certain higher level of style of living in the cities, they have to pay something. This is fair enough as users must pay whether it is for pollution control, waste disposal and transportation or any other services being provided. 
By the year 2013 the government will put in place some forms of organization on the ground to assist local government machinery to serve the people with better efficiency in coping with the problems of increasing population, services and maintenance at all levels. 

Hopefully, the people and the government can co-operate in all three levels of government viz –a-viz Federal, State and local governments in getting the best from  the money being raised from them in the form of taxation for public services.
Understandably, the local government like city councils for Kuching City North and Kuching city South, eventually Padawan and Samarahan, Bintulu, Miri and Sibu are the more complicated ones to run. Each of them have to pay special attention  for development because of greater requirements for services and development of lots of amenities that have to be undertaken at the ground levels. 

Understandably, a three-tier system of government is not easy to carry out but it remains the most practical way of solving a problem and yet maintains democracy. The arrangement must be fully understood by the people.  

Out of the blue, Senator Gan Ping Sieu of MCA should consider it appropriate to talk about the resignation of the Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud for BN’s failure in Chinese majority constituencies.  The statement, as correctly stated by Ahmad Zuraimi Sakawi of PBB Tupong, is mischievous and uncalled for.  Gan, what ever his position in MCA, is a political novice and has no credibility and standing to talk about a complex political issue in Sarawak like a transition plan  of Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib.

Sarawak is not Peninsula Malaysia, which only has three major ethnic groups of Malays, Chinese and Indian.  Sarawak does not only have Chinese and Malays but 27 other ethnic groups.  
Firstly MCA, like SUPP was rejected by the Chinese community in 2008 General elections. It was followed by leadership tussles with lots dirty linens being washed in the public.  Two of its former leaders are now facing court cases.  Basically, MCA cannot claim to be a credible partner in Barisan Nasional. 

DAP has been able to come strongly in Sarawak because MCA has failed miserably to contain the party in Semenanjung Malaysia more specifically in Pulau Pinang and Perak.  The people in Sarawak is fully knowledgeable of the fact that MCA contested nine State seats and Gerakan, eight, in Pulau Pinang in 2008 General elections. And MCA fought harder with Gerakan than DAP in the elections. Hence, both Gerakan and MCA lost all their seats to DAP in the elections.

On the personal level, Gan is not an elected representative of the people. Even as  Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, he is still unnoticeable. In Sarawak, he is Gan Who? Hence he has no standing and credibility to talk about the leadership change in Sarawak.  He should look after himself first and MCA and hand off Sarawak as the people can take care of themselves.  


 *Photos Source

Walki Biomass Cover: Improves Drying Process And Energy Content Of Energy Wood

Espoo, Finland (SPX) 
April 26, 2011
Logging residue is an inexpensive and easily accessible source of biofuel, but to improve the energy content it must first dry on the ground and after that it can be stored in piles for several months. To shelter the piles from moisture through rain, snow and ice, Walki has developed a paper-based, waterproof cover that can be chipped and burned together with the residue.

The importance of biofuels is increasing globally due to tightening emissions restrictions. Interest in wood-based biofuels has also increased because there are new combustion technologies available on the market that are suitable for solid biofuels.
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Solar Lighting Consortium Hopes to Develop Universal Specifications

Victoria, Canada (SPX) 
April 26, 2011
Carmanah Technologies is pleased to announce its participation as a founding member to form the Consortium for Solar Lighting (CSL). The CSL's other founding members are Sharp Electronics Corporation, Inovus Solar, Inc., and SolarOne Solutions, Inc.

The mission of this group is to accelerate the adoption of reliable solar lighting technology through the development of universal specifications intended to support customers' fair and comprehensive evaluation of commercial-scale lighting systems. In the process, the group expects that these specifications will foster awareness of solar powered lighting and the applications where it is a viable alternative to conventional grid-connected lighting technology. 

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Purdue picked for international 'EcoCAR' competition

West Lafayette IN (SPX) 
April 26, 2011  

Purdue University has been selected as one of 16 teams to participate in EcoCAR 2: Plugging in to the Future, an international competition to develop advanced automotive technologies. The Purdue team is a multidisciplinary effort led by Vahid Motevalli, head the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology.

The competition was established in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Energy and General Motors Corp. to speed the development of vehicles aimed at reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
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AGC creates 15% lighter glass for mobile devices
April 25, 2011

Asahi Glass Co. (AGC), a Tokyo-based makers of flat glass, automotive glass, display glass, chemicals and other high-tech materials and components, has announced the creation of a the world's thinnest soda-lime glass substrate for touchscreens. The glass, which could lighten the weight on a variety of mobile devices, is measuring in at just 0.28 mm. This is 15% thinner than the current thinnest commercially available substrate, which is 0.33 mm. As you may expect, the glass is also 15% lighter, which is good news for anyone carrying around a smartphone or tablet PC.
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Agricultural robot will be able to harvest high-value crops

The Engineer
April 21, 2011

Robotics engineers in the European Union (EU) plan to develop an agricultural robot that can sense, spray and pick high-value crops.

Researchers working on the so-called Clever Robots for Crops (CROPS) project plan to create a prototype robotic system that will be able to harvest high-value crops such as greenhouse peppers, orchard fruit and premium wine grapes.

Volvo Buses and SAIC Motors form joint company for new energy driveline systems

April 19, 2011

Volvo Buses and Chinese SAIC Motors have agreed to form a new joint venture company. It is a company for driveline systems for new energy buses such as hybrids and electric buses. The new company will be owned by SAIC with 60% and by Volvo with 40%.

Volvo will invest 40M RMB and SAIC 60M RMB in the new company that will be named Shanghai Green Bus Drive System Co and will be based in Shanghai, China, For the past 10 years, Volvo and SAIC have together successfully operated the joint venture company Sunwin Bus, one of the largest city bus manufacturers in China.
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Johnson Controls-Saft to Supply Advanced Batteries to the Beijing Electric Vehicle Company

Johnson Control
April 19, 2011

Johnson Controls-Saft, a global leader in the development and manufacture of advanced lithium-ion batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles, will supply the complete battery system for two electric vehicles which will be launched by the Beijing Electric Vehicle Company (BJEV), a subsidiary of Beijing Automotive Industry Company (BAIC). BJEV and BAIC have plans to manufacture 150,000 hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) by 2015.

"The electric vehicle market in China represents a tremendous growth opportunity for the automotive industry," said Ray Shemanski, who leads the Johnson Controls-Saft joint venture and is vice president and general manager of Advanced Battery Systems for Johnson Controls Power Solutions. "While this electric battery system is the first China-specific product designed and developed by our advanced battery team in China, it leverages our proven technology currently in production in Europe and the United States, and indicates the potential of a quickly growing China market."

NASA awards funding to four companies as part of CCDev2

The Engineer
April 20, 2011

NASA has awarded four Space Act Agreements worth a total of $269.3m (£164.5m) in the second round of the agency’s Commercial Crew Development (CCDev2) programme.

Each company will receive between $22m and $92.3m to advance commercial crew space transportation system concepts and mature the design and development of elements of their systems, including launch vehicles and spacecraft.

The companies selected for CCDev2 awards are Blue Origin ($22m), Sierra Nevada Corporation ($80m), Space Exploration Technologies ($75m) and Boeing ($92.3m).