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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Job Posting: National Institutes of Health

The NIH Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR) is hiring an Associate Ombudsman. The GS-14 position provides neutral and independent third party dispute resolution services to managers and employees under the direction of the Ombudsman (Howard Gadlin) and Deputy Ombudsman (position being filled).

This is an entry-level position with an established and large program. Applicants must have at least one year of experience. The position pays $105,211-$136,771 per year. Applications are due October 5, 2010. The vacancy is being concurrently advertised under merit promotion procedures for status candidates under announcement OD-10-448789-MP. Candidates who wish to be considered under both procedures MUST apply to both vacancies.   The search will fill the position recently vacated by Nick Diehl. (USA Jobs, Vacancy No.: OD-10-448789-CR-DE.)

Prior: Job Posting.

Northern Arizona University Faculty Ombuds Reports 55% Jump in Cases

NAU's Faculty Ombuds Program reports that it handled 55% more requests for assistance in the 2009-10 academic year compared to the prior period. The greatest increase came from administrators and the proportion of faculty without continuing status contracts also increased substantially.

According to Phoebe Morgan, who coordinates the NAU Faculty Ombuds Program, interpersonal disputes were most common between faculty and those who supervise and/or evaluate their performance, or between faculty and their students. In addition to handling individual cases, the NAU Faculty Ombuds Program started a two-year partnership with the the university's Faculty Development Program provided administrators and faculty with proactive conflict management training. (NAU Ombuds.)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Longevity with the School

Perhaps the title above would be very strange for you, go to school can make a long life? Instead of making you be adding stress?

School to higher education is usually aimed so that you get a better life. But it can also prolong the school you are, at least that was the result of a study using education as a basis for examining patterns of long-term survival compared with specific diseases, the researchers found that those who tasted yag education to higher (call college) Average the average live seven years longer compared to people who just graduated from high school.

The scientists from Harvard University in the journal Health Affairs reported that of 2000 people, 25% of people who have better education will live up to the age of 82 years, compared with 75% of other people who graduated from high school.

Alcohol, cigarettes and sleep late into the life patterns are some of the factors that determine. Most of this kind of lifestyle it is owned by people who do not have activities or not to continue their education to higher levels. People who are less educated are more likely to use tobacco and alcohol, and diseases because these two things play a role at every level of human death.

Other Article :
-Is Snake Can See?
-32 New Planets Found
-Fossil Found Early Evolution
-Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth
-Longevity with the School

Is Snake Can See?

If you hear about snake, what do you imagine?

The figure of creatures with long bodies with no legs who walked crept in land using the body sometimes slippery and could have a deadly, not to mention when it comes to the mystical snake. Some of you may have a scared, amused or repulsed by snakes. Others are intrigued and infatuated with this creature. Scientific journal recently published an article about the vision serpent. Big question is whether the snake can be seen. Because life in the dark, the eye functions to be not widely used. Almost certainly a snake does not have a good sense of sight.

Indeed, according to research experts snake can not see well, except there are a few species that have been time to adjust to hunt in the daytime. Snakes in general can see shapes, but no details and most of them using motion sensors or heat if they want to catch preyPit Viper snake called can see well at night by using some of the amazing tricks.

Most snakes can sense heat (infrared light) such as binoculars night or more to the infrared camera, military technology for allegedly shooting night was adapted from the ability of snakes to detect prey at night. This capability makes the snake can describe the prey in the brain. Interestingly, Cobra snake senses are sharp enough to be able to target the eye when it issued a toxic saliva. Snake knew that the poison will make the blind eyes of humans or other enemies. So protect yourself, especially the eye area if you are dealing with snakes.

Other Article :
-Is Snake Can See?
-32 New Planets Found
-Fossil Found Early Evolution
-Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth
-Longevity with the School

32 New Planets Found

There is new news from Europe, the continent Astronomers have announced 32 new planets found orbiting in multiple star outside our solar system. This invention showed 40% of all stars have planets and outstanding on its axis. Known planets have been discovered about five times Earth's size to five times as massive as Jupiter, scientists will conduct further research on inter-planetary size.

In addition, the results of this study also found a number of other planets, and astronomers will announce a new discovery at the end of this year, if indeed the results of research have been valid. Last discovery was made the number of planets discovered outside our solar system to about 400, said Stephane Udry, from the Geneva Observatory, Switzerland.

"From these findings we come to know that nature did not seem empty, if there is room for the planet then there would be no planets, and all of the planet always has the character of each" said one of the astronomers told reporters, More than 40% stars like the Sun has the planets with low mass, "he added in explanation of astronomers meeting in Porto, Portugal.".

To support this project team of astronomers using the spectrograph HARPS (Light Speed Planet Finder High Accuracy) of 3.6-meter telescope mounted in the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in La Silla, Chile. Not describe the spectroscope that these planets directly, but scientists can calculate the size and mass by detecting small changes in stellar vibrations caused by the gravitational pull of small planets. The point is the movement and vibration of each star to be calculated and analyzed.

Currently astronomers determined to find a planet like the Earth or at least approached with earth conditions because this is the place most likely to sustain life. HARPS spectrograph to this story down 75 planets have been discovered around 30 different stars. ESO team did not give detailed explanation about what stars diorbit by the new planet 32. Astronomers will provide an explanation after a series of research really are valid and can be justified. Let's wait ...

Other Article :
-Is Snake Can See?
-32 New Planets Found
-Fossil Found Early Evolution
-Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth
-Longevity with the School

Fossil Found Early Evolution

people from the independent analysis of fossil primates found in states in mid-May and is not a direct human ancestor, as previously claimed. Fosil yang umurnya ditaksir sekitar 47 juta tahun itu diberi nama ilmiah dan dijuluki sebagai Darwinius masillae Ida. Fossils of an age estimated to be about 47 million years old were given the scientific name and dubbed as Darwinius masillae Ida. Oleh penemu sebelumnya fosil ini dianggap sebagai "keajaiban dunia kedelapan ", dan masih ada sangkut paut dengan teori evolusi Darwin menurut para peneliti yang mengumumkannya. The inventor of this fossil previously deemed as the "eighth world wonder", and still there is nothing to do with Darwin's theory of evolution according to the researchers who announced it. Para penemu melihat dari struktur tulang dan pembentukan lengan dan terutama bagian kaki. The inventors saw the formation of bone structure and especially the arms and legs.

Para penemu mengatakan, fosil tersebut adalah missing link atau rantai yang hilang antara manusia dan dunia hewan. The inventors say, the fossil is the missing link or missing link between humans and the animal world. Dan bukan mata rantai langsung yang menghubungkan antara Primata dengan manusia. And it's not a direct chain linking with a human Primates. Erik Seiffert, peneliti utama studi baru mengatakan,"Pandangan yang menganggap bahwa Ida memiliki hubungan khusus dengan primata tingkat tinggi seperti monyet, kera dan manusia, merupakan pandangan minoritas dari awal. Jadi hal itu hanya mengejutkan banyak orang yang mempelajari paleontology primata.". Erik Seiffert, principal investigator of a new study says, "The view which assumes that Ida has a special relationship with the higher primates such as monkeys, apes and humans, is the minority view from the beginning. Thus it was only surprised many people who study primates Paleontology.". Ida merupakan dasar dan sebuah awal dari proses evolusi manusia dan hewan. Ida was the foundation and a beginning of the process of evolution of humans and animals.
After doing research experts find new Seiffert analysis begins with efforts to identify other primate fossils are Afradapis longicristatus, who allegedly has strong ties with Darwinius. Then the researchers compared the 360 specific anatomical features of 117 primate species living or extinct. The experts also compiling a family tree to make it easier to do the grouping. Analysis showed that both primates is located at the beginning of twigs from the branches that produce lemurs, and distant from the lineage of monkeys and apes. Furthermore, the researchers say that both types have no modern descendants. But it can be said as a pioneer of the evolutionary process.

The new study published in Nature, opposed the idea that Darwinius is an important part of the human lineage. Researchers previously have chosen Ida feature in the face, teeth, and feet similar to the higher apes, but a new research team, believes that these features may be the result of convergent evolution. The researchers who discovered Darwinius cling to their findings, and maintain that Ida was a spectacular discovery. They also said that the framework is much more complete than Darwinius Afradapis and shows the characteristics of higher primates, such as bones in the foot By gambling but surely Seiffert said that Darwinius not play a significant role in the origin of humans, fossils found in more closely related to lemurs and lorises. Seiffert said, "last ancestor Darwinius is a common progenitor that gives rise to all primates" must be recognized that the beginning of all living creatures could be from some form of life.

Other Article :
-Is Snake Can See?
-32 New Planets Found
-Fossil Found Early Evolution
-Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth
-Longevity with the School

Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth

you love to watch the meteor phenomenon? Orionid meteor shower will be flushed the earth's atmosphere. Meteor shower was one of the biggest and brightest each year. Quoted from Livescince, observers could see shooting stars in the sky 5 to 10 minutes, in a brief splash that will look very crowded. This meteor rains is rare in recent years.

Peak occurred around Wednesday morning (21/10) at 6 pm eastern U.S. time, or Wednesday night around 8 o'clock in western Indonesian. Like most meteor showers, caused by particles Orionid associated with comets. In this case, the most famous is Halley's Comet. But if you can not wait for Halley's Comet reappeared in the year 2062, in the near future is still a chance to see the meteor shower across the sky and evaporates in the earth's upper atmosphere.

Most annual meteor shower activity is quite small, but the Orionid is one of the best two or three every year. Especially because this year there would be no meteor disguise months.

At its peak, could produce approximately 15-20 Orionids meteors per hour in a state of the dark sky. rionids come from a point just above Orion's left shoulder, and between the legs Gemini twins. The railway line is the orbit of Halley's comet.

Meteors can appear in any part of the sky, collectively emit rays like the spokes in the wheel. Even the longest and fastest meteor will be around 90 degrees from the central ray. Earth through Halley's comet orbits the line twice each year, around the date of May 6. There are several minor meteor showers associated with this date, the Eta Aquarids, but this is no more spectacular from the Orionids meteor shower this week.

Other Article :
-Is Snake Can See?
-32 New Planets Found
-Fossil Found Early Evolution
-Meteor Rain Will Happen On Earth
-Longevity with the School

Reposting: Public Invited to Comment on Proposed SEC Ombuds Office

The Securities and Exchange Commission is calling for public commentary on proposed regulatory initiatives under the Dodd-Frank Act, including the new Ombuds for the Office of the Investor Advocate. Members of the public can express their view by email or an online form.

The new SEC Ombuds will be named by the head of the Office of the Investor Advocate, who is appointed by the SEC Chair. The Investor Advocate will be responsible for assisting individual investors confidentially with issues involving the SEC or other self-regulatory organization. 

Since the Dodd-Frank Act did not specify any guidelines for implementing the new Ombuds program, the SEC will rely in part on public commentary in setting up the program. The public comment period will remain open for 30 days, following publication of the comment request in the Federal Register. (SEC Press Release; Public Comment Form.)

Commenting on the initial posting, John Zinser said...
Colleagues -

I am writing today to encourage you to comment on the SEC Ombudsman proposed under the Dodd-Frank Bill.

The opportunity exists here for at least education and at best actually shaping a program that could have significant impact and visibility.

Please take a few minutes to access the web based comment form and:
1. Encourage the SEC to base the program on existing Standard, Codes and guidelines.
2. Suggest that the program offer service to the public as required, but also be augmented to serve the workforce at the SEC. and
3. (if you really wish to be courageous) Ask the SEC to consider requiring to-code organizational ombudsmen in all regulated firms of more than 500 people as a mechanism to enhance ethical behavior and effective cultures. (Some potential language for this last can be found at:

Please take a few moments today and write the SEC.
Could make a huge difference to this Agency, the field and the investing public.


As of September 30, comments had been submitted by:
  • Theodore R Williamson, III, Ombudsman, The Coca-Cola Company
  • Tom A. Kosakowski, The Ombuds Blog
  • Jim Augustine, PhD, University Ombudsman
  • Donald Noack, Corporate Ombudsman, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Tom Ward, Ombudsman for Staff, Clemson University
  • David E McNabb, LLM, Ombudsman, Toronto

Job Posting: Georgia State University

The large research university in Atlanta is hiring a Coordinator for its Office of the Ombudsperson. The position serves as the initial point of contact with students, staff; provides planning, coordination, and implementation of routine and/or complex activities and projects related to the management of the office; and serves as a liaison for the office.

Applicants must have a bachelor's degree and four years of related experience. A master's degree and four years experience with mediation and conflict resolution processes are preferred. The position pays $37,026-$40,000 and applications are due October 8. (GSU Jobs, vacancy no. 0601553. via Higher Ed Jobs.)

Strong ethnic identity through confluence, not domination

The Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee after a number of meetings, the first one held on August 24, 1961 in Jesselton (now Kota Kinabalu), agreed in principle to form a strong federation with special privileges and autonomy reserved for Sarawak and Sabah.  

Then it formed the Inter governmental committee (IGC) to discuss and draft the terms and conditions of the Constitution. Leaders from Sarawak in the committee successfully negotiated the State’s autonomy over Land, Civil Service, Local Government and Immigration.  The special autonomy reserved for Sarawak must be entrenched in the Agreement as well as the constitution. Rightly, they were concerned that without the clauses on the autonomy being entrenched in the constitution, they would not be able to convince the people to accept Malaysia.

For this, the present and future generations of Anak Sarawak must remain very grateful to the pre-Independence leaders for their wisdom and foresight in negotiating favorable terms for the State to join the Federation.  

A pre-Merdeka reporter, Gabriel Tan in his article “The rocky road to Independence” reported there were plenty of anti-Malaysia demonstrations. Then he was embedded with Cobbold Commission, which was tasked to ascertain the wishes of the people on Malaysia Plan. He also reported rowdy anti-Malaysia demonstrations to welcome the arrival of the UN Assessment team in Kuching on August 16, 1963. The teams met similar demonstrations in Sibu and Miri. The demonstrators produced placards with slogan like: We do not want Malaysia, Malaysia means control by Kuala Lumpur”

Off and on the local people, though generally they are friendly and peaceful, will demonstrate against what they perceive as injustice being muted upon them. For example, they burnt the National Flag during a big demonstration at the airport against to welcome Sarawak soccer term, which they perceived as having been cheated of victory by game referee and umpires in the final of Malaysia Cup against Kedah. Generally, they view with suspicion and distrust political leaders from Malaya who come to Sarawak and make a lot of promises. The local people view them as boastful with lots of hot air.

Powerful surge

Undoubtedly, after implementing the philosophy of confluence of culture in one generation, Sarawak has its own formula to erect new people, who are motivated by creativity, hard word and desire to do better in whatever fields of endeavors. The State is in the stage of development where the people can use the best of their talents in pursuit of progress and advancement. After all, culture represents the most powerful surge upward in the endeavors of men in using the power of creativity and intellect of leaders, in the services of the people, state and country.

Sarawak’s success, thus far, may not be achievable without one big condition,   the people’s spirit of accepting realities of times and preparedness to do their utmost in whatever they do.  Understandably, a culture that is not based on the achievement of the best may lead the people into stagnation or even deterioration. Hence, there must be continuous struggle for the best by the people in order to move to greater height. In this respect, no one group can say they will lose if they remain in the confluence of efforts to achieve greater things, where opportunities are available, from the concept of confluence and philosophy of the politics of development; unless they opt out from such efforts.  Undoubtedly, the implementation of the concept of confluence of culture has helped to chart out a clear path for the people, State and the country towards the year 2020 and beyond. It also helps to pave the way for the State to contribute towards realizing the concept of One Malaysia.
The State decided to promote the concept of confluence of culture since the mid 80s as a way to enhance common efforts to uphold the concept of Anak Sarawak, who must be encouraged to interact with each other in schools, places of work, recreational centres, beaches, playgrounds, sports complexes and other places. 

Obviously, the spirit of confluence of culture is the answer to Sarawak’s efforts to unify the people, who comprise of diverse racial and sub-racial origins and religious beliefs, to have a common desire for transformation that can bring better life for them through the process of development.

The main challenge for the people is to strengthen their unity and upgrade their ability to adapt to changes in order to achieve greater progress and enjoy peace and harmony.  In other words, they must have common feelings to move forward while, at the same time, grapple with the question of change in the process of development.

As the world pursues greater progress in the fields of economics and technology in particular, the people must have strong desire to preserve their own culture and way of life. For example, a book entitled “Mega trends” says economics, being the most powerful force, must become more global and the people must be given chances to embrace changes in order to enjoy fruits of their achievement.

There are two types of movement, one a movement toward change and the other a movement towards achieving common purpose.  They are like numerous river tributaries.  Initially, the water may start flowing from the streams in the Ulu in different colors, some being red while others may be clear, milky, murky and other colors. As they flow down the river and reach the mouth they become one color not because the water from one river absorb those from other rivers but they converge to produce a single color. In other words, no water from a single river becomes a dominant factor to absorb or assimilate the water from other following rivers. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand that time is very important in the understanding of the concept of confluence of cultures, which require movements in the same direction by all the local components. 

The various ethnic groups in Sarawak equate their differences to colors of water in river tributaries. However, they realize that their strong desire for greater progress and advancement can only be achieved through common and continuous efforts to pursue them together. They also realize that they do not change unless they have the stimulation from some movements in the society; a society without stimulus for change will become stagnant.

Sarawak was assured of development to convince the pre-Independence of leaders to agree to join the new federation.  Undoubtedly, development has become a strong motivating factor for the people to work together. It has brought about a total change to the people from a situation of poverty to reasonable prosperity regardless of whether they are Orang Ulu in upper reaches of the river, Ibans and Bidayuhs in the hinterlands, the Malays in coastal areas and Chinese in urban areas. 

Before the people talked about how difficult it was to get jobs.  Generally, parents were worried whether their children would get jobs or not once they leave schools. All of them had the common aspirations to look forward for better life from one period of development to another. Now all these things have been proven to be worries that are not founded.

Embrace change

Obviously, the government has been making conscientious efforts to unleash the energy and creativity of the people in pursuit of positive changes to their livelihood.   There should be no doubt in the minds of the people regardless of their ethnic origins that they have been able to enjoy the benefits from their own efforts in development. The success has been made possible because of the prevailing peace and harmony without eliminating the identity of any particular community.  In other words, the people have been able to embrace change without losing our identity.

Obviously, the people  have been able to improve themselves, not by cutting out from the little lot that they used to have when the State was very poor,  but from the bigger lots that the Government has been able to make and distribute to the  people. The State has been able to make bigger cake with the judicious implementation of the New Economic Policy, which clearly states that the people must make bigger cakes and distribute them fairly among the people in consonant with the philosophy of achieving development through confluence rather than domination.

Generally, the people interact quite freely with each other.  Initially, they had reservation about the government’s plan to build Dewan Suarah to encourage interactions among the people. They had the view that since the State government had already built community halls, which were not fully utilized by the people in number of places throughout the state, the construction of Dewan Suarah was a waste of money. Admittedly, not many people used the community halls.  However, after one generation, Dewan Suarah have increasingly become very popular among the people.

Obviously, Dewan Suarah is being used more and more as avenues to encourage interactions among the people of various ethnic groups. They serve as avenues for the people to hold community and social activities like wedding receptions, meetings, conferences, symposium, seminars and others which provide opportunities for the people to interact among them. Therefore, Dewan Suarah have succeeded to become focal points of inter mixture of activities of people. They have become the motivating factor for the people to have confluence among them. Generally, the government has been implementing policies that encourage interactions among the people in centres of excellence and other avenues.

New discipline

Undoubtedly, the judicious implementation of the New Economic Policy has been able to create more opportunities for the people of all races to involve in commercial and entrepreneurial activities.  It provides incentives and freedom for people to work hard to improve their way of life.  However, it is necessary for   young people, teenagers in particular to be imbibed with new discipline to develop their knowledge and skills in order to improve their performances in economics pursuits.

Perhaps the people should talk more and more on issues related to development like the necessity to increase participation of Bumiputra in commerce and industry and the need for Chinese to upgrade their efficiency in order to keep up with demands of new management. Basically, the people in business must prepare themselves to cope with bigger businesses, which requires them to have a new realization of exploiting bigger market.

Realizing One Malaysia concept

 Undeniably, the government has been carrying out numerous programs to help the people to develop their capacity to participate meaningfully in community development through uniformed movements. The people must aim to achieve bigger success in their efforts to improve their livelihood.  The State is having a uniformed movement, motivated by the politics of development and the mechanism of the confluence of culture, to enable the people to play active roles towards realizing the concept of One Malaysia.

More and more people are contributing to efforts to promote interactions among the races to discuss various issues relating to culture and generally their way of life.  A number of activities like Pesta Kaul of the Melanau community, Pesta Sape Borneo of the Orang Ulu community, Sarawak Regatta, Baram regatta, the newly inaugurated Pesta Birumuh of the Bidayuh community have come up to create interests of the people to enrich their way of life through a confluence of culture, a culture that can accommodate all races.     

Understandably, the Government has already taken steps to restructure the education policy, which will introduce more fun, unleash greater curiosity among children to become more creative in their studies; creativity is one big word in cultural development.  The new system of education should provide a solid structure in development to motive the people to become more creative in what ever they do. Without an organization, it is impossible to intensify efforts to upgrade creativity among the people to face the ever challenging global world.

Culture, a movement in our life

The total concept of culture is not only dance, song, poetry and others but a movement in life that has the impact on the changing situation or some times creating situation, which is based on the freedom of the people and the encouragement of the  society to get them to conceive the best that they can produce from their time.  Undoubtedly, it represents the mainstream of cultural change.

The people must appreciate that the components of culture like dances, songs are subject to changes. Even dresses and many other things can change that tend to typify or rather easterlies our symbol of culture. Yet we will not lose the reservoir of the best that our ancestors have been able to create and hand over to us as legacies only to be reinvented to become, perhaps one day, Sarawak’s pride or Sarawak culture. More importantly, it will be able to accommodate all the sub-cultures, create more links and give new verities that help to enrich our culture well beyond those that we have inherited as our legacies.

Generally, our dances, architectural or fashion designs and other elements that constitute our culture have been undergoing changes. Undeniably, all of them have been experiencing changes yet the inspirations behind the inventions and creativities can be traced back to our cultural heritage. In other words, we have lost nothing. Instead, we have got something new that we can call our own. And that is the different between the process of unification and assimilation. Advisably, we must look at the bigger picture in order to understand much more about the transformation of our culture.  Ideally, as a philosophy is learnable it should be based on separate experiences over a short period of time, that preceded by time of stagnation in particular.

History also tells us how the Italian culture has changed a great deal from Latino or Roman culture in those days to become what it is today. The Arab culture has changed from those in golden age of Prophet Muhammad 700 years to become what it is today, wealthier. It has absorbed the influences of Iranians and legacies of Indian and Chinese cultures.  Our Prophet Muhammad openly said to the followers to seek learning go even as far as China. All those things are being seen today. The Greeks have inherited a lot from Egyptians and absorbed a lot of influence from Persians or the Middle East where Iran and Iraq are today.

Civilization depicts desire to achieve greater things

The whole history of civilization is based on the desire of people, who have been successful to achieve greater things in life not on the desire of people to preserve and stay as they are. Those that adopt the philosophy of remaining as they are may end up in stagnation; they are likely to experience relative deterioration if compared with other civilizations of culture as what has happened in the past. Actually, stagnation or backwardness in any part of the world is attributable to people, who do not want to invite or open themselves to influences or changes taking place in and around them.

The change in the world, which tends to uplift the standard of success and achievement because of the accumulation of knowledge and the endeavors of human being to consolidate their knowledge into technologies and architecture in the efforts to improve all activities of life  into literature as the inspiring materials of any civilizations. History tells us that a civilization is really the process of one most powerful people, through the most creative endeavors at their command, to erect new creativity and extend boundaries of their endeavors to new things. Those who want to be left out from these influences become stagnant and those who are stagnant normally end up staying in little corners of the world. 

There are many little corners in the world today with some of them in Africa. But they were not like that before.  For example, Africa used to be a big empire with great civilization. However, the empire could not be sustained with a small population.  Chad and Somalia used to be part of the Islamic trading world, mainly with China, India and Arabia but today they produce pirates.  After the fall of Sri Vijaya kingdom, the Central authority also lost control over captains of fleets in various parts of South East Asia, who became pirates. Eventually, the kingdom of Sri Vijaya that stretched as far North as Taiwan and down to New Guinea and probably Africa disintegrated to become colonies of many Western powers.  

Now the people have the chance to rise up to ensure that they have the motivating movement to give a second life to the common endeavor to become part of a bigger civilization in a global world. However, they must have the ability to enjoy themselves by having unity, harmony and the cultural environment that is most suited to our times.


*Photos Source: images


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Milton J. Brawer: Pioneering Ombuds

Milton J. Brawer, who established one of the first University Ombuds programs in the United States, passed away on September 8 at the age of 84. Brawer served as the University Ombudsman at Western Michigan University from 1970 to 1974.

Brawer's reflection on his work as an Ombuds, "Notes of a Novice Ombudsman," was published by The Journal of Higher Education in 1973. He described his day-to-day work as part detective, personal advisor, listener, red-tape cutter, and expediter. Brawer earned his bachelor's degree at Harvard and PHD at Columbia. He was a faculty member in the Department of Sociology at WMU from 1960 until he retired in 1995. (Western Herald; Journal of Higher Education.)

Faculty Ombuds at University of Colorado Boulder Report Increase in Caseload

Lee Potts and Larry Singell, the Faculty Ombuds at CU Boulder, report that they handled 57 cases in the 2009-10 academic year, a 42.5% increase from the prior year. The report indicates that the Faculty Ombuds consulted with a total of 87 people regarding cases and engaged with 215 individuals through service and outreach activities.

Potts and Singell identified six important trends in their report.  Many will sound familiar to Ombuds at other state institutions or universities:
  1. The budget cuts or perceived cuts threaten an increase in the frequency, intensity and complexity of workplace conflict. The data above reflects this in a number of ways, including more instances of conflict within evaluative relationships, more concerns about career development, and more conflict arising from increased peer competitiveness.
  2. Conflict avoidant behavior characterized most of the cases; that is, usually the person initiating contact with our office had avoided dealing with the problem until the conflict had escalated significantly (or faced resistance because the individuals involved also adopted an avoidance approach to the conflict).
  3. Termination of employment was used more frequently as a means of problem solving.
  4. Concern regarding student incivility increased.
  5. Concern about legal issues increased (from 1 last year to 9 this year).

Profile of New Ombuds at University of Ottawa

Lucie Allaire, who was appointed as the first Ombudsperson for the University of Ottawa in June, is profiled in the local independent student newspaper. Allaire said she is excited to begin the new position, which was first proposed in 1990. “I’ve been really welcomed. I really feel that the time was right for the university to have this position,” she said.

Caroline Bouchard, university affairs commissioner for the Graduate Student Association, explained that the Ombuds will be completely geared towards the U of O’s concerns, specifically policy-making positions. “Right now we don’t want the ombudsperson to be something set in stone, or based on another university. It really has to be reflecting the reality of the University of Ottawa, which is a very politicized campus.” (The Fulcrum.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Washington State Schools Ombuds Office May be Downsized

Since Washington State opened the Office of Education Ombudsman in 2007, the office has become an important resource for K-12 stakeholders. In the 2009-10 school year, the number of cases handled by office increased 79% from the prior year. Nonetheless, the OEO faces cutbacks as Washington wrestles with another year of budget shortfall.

"We're a very small office, and becoming smaller," says Adie Simmons, director of the Office of Education Ombudsman. "There are only five of us to address the needs of the state." She said that the office might be in danger due to state budget cuts. Already the office has had to contend with mandatory closure days along with other state agencies. (My Northwest; PT Leader.)

Reminder: Deadline for October Ombuds Certification Exam

There a less than two weeks to register for the next IOA Certification Examination the week of October 18-23, 2010. Applicants for the the two-hour, online test must register by October 8, 2010.

Survey Finds Trust, Openness and Fairness are Key Organizational Objectives for the Next Decade

According to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, the biggest investment challenge facing organizations over the next 10 years is obtaining human capital and optimizing human capital investments. According to the HR professionals surveyed, the most effective tactic to attract and retain people is to provide work/life flexibility for employees. The second most effective tactic is to create a organizational culture where trust, open communication and fairness are emphasized and demonstrated by leaders.

Overall, 47% of HR professionals said that a culture of trust, open communication and fairness was an organizational objective for the coming decade. Nonprofit (63%) organizations were more likely than publicly owned for-profits (40%) and privately owned for-profits (43%) to report this was an important tactic. (SHRM Challenges in the Next 10 Years.)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Job Posting: National Institutes of Health

The U.S. agency responsible for biomedical and health-related research is hiring a Deputy Ombudsman for the NIH Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR). The position provides neutral and independent third party dispute resolution services to managers and employees.

The Deputy Ombuds provides advice to the CCR Director (Howard Gadlin), the NIH Director, and senior officials from NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) on a broad range of NIH workplace matters and helps NIH employees throughout the organization in order to foster a fair, open and creative atmosphere. The search will fill the position recently vacated by Kevin Jessar. The GS-15 position pays $123,758-$155,500 per year. Applications are due October 1, 2010. The vacancy is being concurrently advertised under merit promotion procedures for status candidates under announcement OD-10-451448-MP. Candidates who wish to be considered under both procedures MUST apply to both vacancies. (Federal Government Jobs, Vacancy No.: OD-10-451448-CR-DE.)

Corporate Ombuds Group Meeting Set for October 14-15

Halliburton is sponsoring the 2010 Corporate Ombudsman Roundtable in Houston, Texas on October 14 and 15, 2010. The agenda features presentations and discussions aimed at capitalizing resources, maximizing outreach to management and employees, and reinforcing the message about the Ombuds program. Participants also will review Ombuds best practices from a global perspective.

The tentative agenda for the roundtable:
Day 1
  • Ombuds Business Discussion
  • Ombuds & the Stakeholders - Engaging management & the board
  • Ombuds & the Stakeholders – Program users
  • IOA Certification
  • Q&A from Attendees

  • Culture & Trends – How to Ombuds around the world
  • Part I - A panel discussion with HR or Legal reps from various local organizations
  • Part II - A Q&A/brainstorming session for the reps and Ombuds to learn from each other
  • Legislative Updates Affecting Ombuds Work
  • Closing
For more information and to reserve a spot, contact Jayla Henry at the Halliburton Dispute Resolution Program (Jayla [dot] Henry [at-sign] halliburton [dot] com).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

IOA Extends Deadline for Conference Proposals

The International Ombudsman Association has extended the deadline for suggestions and ideas for conference sessions. Proposals may be submitted to the IOA Conference Committee through Monday, October 4. The conference is scheduled for April 3–6, 2011 at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower in Portland, OR. (SurveyMonkey.)

Job Posting: MD Anderson Cancer Center

The top-ranked cancer center in Houston is adding to its Ombuds Office. The position will work with a team of experienced Ombuds to provide services to faculty, staff and trainees.

Applicants should have at least three years of experience as an Organizational Ombuds, preferably in a large academic or biomedical organization. A master’s degree or equivalent in conflict management or related field with relevant training in dispute resolution and mediation is required. No closing date or salary indicated. See announcement for details.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Loss of Ombuds is an Issue in Washington, DC School Board Election

The election of school board members in Washington, DC has returned attention to the public schools Ombuds Office that was shuttered in August 2009. Some school officials and activists say restoring the Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education is a crucial aspect of reform implementation for the next school board.

In October 2007, DC Mayor Adrian M. Fenty appointed Tonya Vidal Kinlow as the first Ombuds for public education. Under her leadership, the Ombuds program hired three staff members and handled thousands of inquiries. Kinlow left the post abruptly after 14 months amid praise for hard work but complaints about delayed reports. By the summer of 2009 Ombuds office had political pawn in a budget battle between DC Mayor Adrian Fenty and the District Council. In September 2009, the office was closed, ostensibly to help balance a $400 million budget shortfall for the 2009-10 school year.

Now, the Washington Times is reporting that insiders believe progress on school reform depends on engaging parents which depends in turn on reinstating the Office of the Ombudsman.
"We need to bring back the office of the schools ombudsman," said Ward 5 board member Mark Jones. * * *

"I think it's very important to have an ombudsman," [Ward 2 board member Mary] Lord said. "There is no portal for parents and community leaders and nonprofits to raise concerns. An ombudsman is an advocate for folks who don't know where to go or take the next step."

But an ombudsman should not "carry the water" for politicians, she added. "It should be a neutral forum."

Mr. Jones, who is up for re-election to the school board, agreed, saying an independent ombudsman would motivate and empower parents.

If the DC Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education is restored, it must be granted some political protection so that it is perceived as independent and neutral, and has sufficient time to gain the trust of stakeholders.

University of West Georgia Ombuds Office Issues Annual Report

The Ombuds Office at UWG has released its second annual report showing that the new program continues to be a vital service for the campus. In the 14½-months ended June 30, 2010, the office handled 105 cases: 45% were administrators or staff; 12% were faculty; and 43% were students.

The UWG Ombuds office uses the IOA Uniform Reporting Categories and reported that the top issues were evaluative relationships, services/administrative issues, and peer and colleague relationships. The report also indicated that Bruce W. Lyon, who helped establish the office, had been replaced by John R. Fuller, a professor of criminology, in January, 2010. Patricia Pinkard continues to serves as Ombuds primarily for staff. (UWG 2010 Ombuds Report.)

Job Posting: United Nations

The Office of the Ombudsman for United Nations Funds and Programmes is hiring a case manager to work in its New York office. The position assists in providing impartial, independent and informal conflict-resolution service for the settlement of employment-related problems for staff members and related personnel of the funds and programs.

The initial appointment will be for six months, starting October 25. Some travel will be required.  Applicants must have a Master’s degree or equivalent, five years of professional experience, and fluency in English and another UN language. Applications are due October 4, 2010. No salary indicated. (UNDP Jobs.)

Job Posting: Savannah College of Art and Design

SCAD Atlanta is hiring an Ombuds. The position serves as a neutral, independent and confidential resource for students, faculty and staff, and gives upward feedback to university administrators. In addition, "this individual will have significant supervision and management responsibility for the Atlanta location's graduate mentor program."

This is the third search for a SCAD Ombuds in 2½ years and each time, the position has been described somewhat differently.  Applicants must have a master's degree and should have experience in ADR and/or higher education. The position is open until filled. No salary indicated. (SCAD Jobs, posting no. 0401858, via Chronicle of Higher Education.)

ICANN Ombuds Honored by University of Regina

Frank Fowlie, the Ombudsman for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is the Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award for his alma mater. The University of Regina bestows the award on a graduate who, over the course of a lifetime, has distinguished himself or herself on a regional, national or international basis in any field of endeavor.

Fowlie earned his Bachelor of Human Justice from the U of R in 1992 while he was working as an officer for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He credits the unusual academic credential for opening many doors, including his current position. (University of Regina Alumni.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Western Michigan University Ombuds Office Moves Closer to Student Affairs

Western Michigan University has taken steps to more closely align its Ombudsman Office with student affairs both programmatically and physically. Earlier this year, the WMU Ombuds Office took over the late withdrawal process from the Office of the Registrar. Then last week, the Ombuds Office moved into WSU's student services building.

The administrative assistant for the Ombuds Office, who previously worked in the Advocacy Office for Transfer Students and Military Affairs, told the campus newspaper that he supports closer alignment.
“The Ombudsman Office was moved so it could be relocated closer to student affairs,” McConnell said. “Since student affairs is headquartered in [the] Faunce Student Services [Building], it made more sense to be by them.”

“We were already doing things like grade appeals. Moving the Ombudsman Office seemed more natural under this sort of umbrella,” McConnell added. “We don’t actually make the decisions of the withdrawal process but the appeals are a natural extension of the process.”
The WMU Ombuds Office opened in 1970, but then was shuttered in 2007 when the Ombuds retired. After an internal search, the office reopened in July 2008. (Western Herald.)