Gallaudet's Ombuds, Suzy Rosen Singleton, will present her first report to the University's Board of Trustees on Saturday. Gallaudet launched its Ombuds program in January 2008 and began collecting visitor data in July. In the 2008-09 academic year, Rosen Singleton worked with 362 visitors and 1,069 issues, concerns, or inquiries, a utilization rate she said is high in comparison to other academic Ombuds offices. More than half of the visitors were students. (Gallaudet Ombuds Inaugural Report.)
Related posts: Profile of Gallaudet's New Ombuds; New Gallaudet Website Features Video Welcome; Gallaudet Ombuds to Mark Conflict Resolution Day.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Internship Opportunity: National Institutes of Health
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman / Center for Cooperative Resolution is offering an summer internship in Bethesda, MD. Under the supervision of an NIH mentor, the intern will focus on one major project and will observe and assist with individual consultation sessions; mediation processes; group facilitation; conflict resolution system development and assessment; conflict-related research; and trend identification based on aggregate data. Applicants must be familiar with conflict resolution theory and have discretion and confidentiality. Knowledge of the Organizational Ombudsman role is helpful. The internship is a paid position; hours and duration to be determined. (Harvard PON Blog.)
Related posts: DC Area Ombuds Internships (2009); NIH Ombuds Addresses the Complexities of Race-Related Conflict.
Related posts: DC Area Ombuds Internships (2009); NIH Ombuds Addresses the Complexities of Race-Related Conflict.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Canada's Best-Known Ombuds Will Not be Rehired Automatically, Must Compete For Reappointment
The provincial government of Ontario has decided not to renew the appointment of André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario. Marin--the Past President of Forum of Canadian Ombudsmen and North American Regional VP of the International Ombudsman Institute--will be completing his first five-year term on March 31, 2010.
Premier Dalton McGuinty confirmed that Marin would not be automatically reappointed and denied that Marin's sharp criticism of the provincial government was a motivating factor. Marin, who has been tweeting the developments, said that he will seek reappointment and supports an open and transparent selection process. (Toronto Star; Canadian Press; Ont_Ombudsman Twitter.)
Marin is still scheduled to address the annual IOA conference as a keynote speaker on April 8, just a week later. He is always a compelling speaker and clearly relishes his watchdog role; under the circumstances he may be unleashed.
Related posts: Ontario Ombuds Office Averts Strike; FCO President Will Not Stand for Reelection; IOA Annual Conference Marks Fifth Anniversary With Promise of Rebirth, Rebuild and Respond.
Premier Dalton McGuinty confirmed that Marin would not be automatically reappointed and denied that Marin's sharp criticism of the provincial government was a motivating factor. Marin, who has been tweeting the developments, said that he will seek reappointment and supports an open and transparent selection process. (Toronto Star; Canadian Press; Ont_Ombudsman Twitter.)
Marin is still scheduled to address the annual IOA conference as a keynote speaker on April 8, just a week later. He is always a compelling speaker and clearly relishes his watchdog role; under the circumstances he may be unleashed.
2/10/10 Update: An online petition seeks the reappointment of Marin and already has more than 100 signatures. (GoPetition.)
Related posts: Ontario Ombuds Office Averts Strike; FCO President Will Not Stand for Reelection; IOA Annual Conference Marks Fifth Anniversary With Promise of Rebirth, Rebuild and Respond.
IOA News,
Other Ombuds,
University of Miami Medical School Creates Faculty Ombuds Program
Richard Thurer has been appointed the Ombudsperson for the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Dean of the Medical School, Pascal J. Goldschmidt, said Thurer's lifelong history of service and advocacy for faculty members made him uniquely qualified to serve as the first Ombuds. Thurer was an undergraduate at Princeton University and then completed medical school and his residence at Columbia University. At the University of Miami, he has been an active member of the Faculty Senate and recently served as the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. (Miller School News; Thurer Profile.)
Related post: Article on University of Miami Ombuds Program.
Related post: Article on University of Miami Ombuds Program.
New Programs
Dilbert Update: Former UMass Ombuds Responds
An editorial by Alan Lincoln, the former Ombud for UMass and founding editor of the Journal of IOA, thanked cartoonist Scott Adams for bringing attention to the important work of Ombuds, but sought to clarify misperceptions.
Having worked for many years as a university ombuds, I do find the strips funny but perhaps a bit misleading. Organizational ombuds adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of procedure developed by the members and board of the International Ombudsman Association. [...] Visitors to our offices are offered a safe, independent, neutral and confidential opportunity to address their unresolved concerns. [...] We do not replace the recognized formal options for problem solving, but add to these. [...] We recognize that even the most frustrated members of the community tend to remain within the organization and attempt to provide both short term and longer term strategies for all parties to reach their full potential.
Lincoln retired from his position as Ombuds at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell in 2008, but continued as the editor of the Journal of IOA for another year. Apparently, you can take the person out of the Ombuds office, but not the Ombuds out of the person.
Related posts: First Ombuds at U. Mass. Lowell Set to Retire; Former UMass Ombuds and JIOA Editor Transitioning to Private Practice; Dilbert: The New Ombudsman.
Related posts: First Ombuds at U. Mass. Lowell Set to Retire; Former UMass Ombuds and JIOA Editor Transitioning to Private Practice; Dilbert: The New Ombudsman.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ohio University Names Permanent Ombuds
OU Provost Pam Benoit has selected Dianne Bouvier as the next Ombuds for the 20,000 student public university.
Benoit said that Bouvier's history with the University make her ideal for the position. "She impressed me and the search committee with her professionalism and willingness to dedicate herself to the mediation and problem-solving that is at the heart of the ombudsman's role."
Bouvier is currently the Assistant Director of Institutional Equity and served as Assistant Ombuds from 1995 to 2002. Bouvier will replace Merle Graybill, who has been the interim Ombuds since 2008. Bouvier earned an MBA from Ohio and an MA from Fitchburg State College. She will take office March 1. (Ohio University Outlook; Athens Post.)
Related posts: Ohio U. Selects Interim Ombuds; Ohio University Ombuds Reports on Eventful Year.
Benoit said that Bouvier's history with the University make her ideal for the position. "She impressed me and the search committee with her professionalism and willingness to dedicate herself to the mediation and problem-solving that is at the heart of the ombudsman's role."
Bouvier is currently the Assistant Director of Institutional Equity and served as Assistant Ombuds from 1995 to 2002. Bouvier will replace Merle Graybill, who has been the interim Ombuds since 2008. Bouvier earned an MBA from Ohio and an MA from Fitchburg State College. She will take office March 1. (Ohio University Outlook; Athens Post.)
Related posts: Ohio U. Selects Interim Ombuds; Ohio University Ombuds Reports on Eventful Year.
Job Posting: United Nations Regional Ombuds Offices
The UN Integrated Office of the Ombudsman is hiring Regional Ombuds to head offices in Geneva and Bangkok. These two positions will report to the UN Ombudsman, John Barkat, and will be responsible for establishing and managing the work of the Branch Ombuds Ofices, providing impartial, independent and informal conflict-resolution for UN staff and personnel, including those at field stations. An advanced degree and ten years of professional experience, including five in an international organization are required. For the post in Geneva, fluency in written and spoken English and French are required. Fluency English is required for the position in Bangkok and another UN language is desirable. Applications are due April 24. (UN Human Resources, Vacancy Ann. No.: 10-OMB-OMBUDSMAN -423447-R-MULTIPLE D/S (G).)
Related posts: Barkat Appointed U.N. Ombuds; UN Ombuds Reports on Reorganization Efforts; UN Struggles to Revise Justice System; Secretary-General Meets UN Ombuds.
Related posts: Barkat Appointed U.N. Ombuds; UN Ombuds Reports on Reorganization Efforts; UN Struggles to Revise Justice System; Secretary-General Meets UN Ombuds.
Job Postings,
Job Posting: University of Texas Medical Branch
The medical center in Galveston is seeking accepting applications for its first Faculty Ombudsman. The 20% position will report to the UTMB Chief Academic Officer and will be serve as a confidential and informal resource for the faculty. Applicants must have a PhD or MD, and have held a faculty appointment in an academic institution. Preferred qualifications include formal training in conflict management or alternative dispute resolution; experience at a University Medical Center; record of prior contributions in providing institutional service in a private of public sector health care setting. No salary or closing date indicated. (UTMB Jobline, Job Opening #21481.)
This search has been open since the Summer of 2008. As of April 2009, there had only been two applicants, who were disqualified because they came from within UTMB. (UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes, 4/13/09.) Clearly, the applicant profile has unnecessarily limited the pool of potential candidates. At this point it is surprising that UTMB has not opened the search to applicants would not have to give up a faculty position for 20% appointment or to internal candidates.
Related posts: University of Texas Medical Branch Adopts New Ombuds Policy; Despite Financial Crisis, University of Texas Medical Branch Continues Search for First Ombuds.
This search has been open since the Summer of 2008. As of April 2009, there had only been two applicants, who were disqualified because they came from within UTMB. (UTMB Faculty Senate Minutes, 4/13/09.) Clearly, the applicant profile has unnecessarily limited the pool of potential candidates. At this point it is surprising that UTMB has not opened the search to applicants would not have to give up a faculty position for 20% appointment or to internal candidates.
Related posts: University of Texas Medical Branch Adopts New Ombuds Policy; Despite Financial Crisis, University of Texas Medical Branch Continues Search for First Ombuds.
Health Care,
Job Postings,
New Programs
University of Missouri, Kansas City, Will Create Ombuds for Some Faculty
The UMKC School of Arts & Sciences--one of 12 academic divisions within the 15,000 student university--is looking for a Faculty Ombuds. Dr. Ronald MacQuarrie, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, said the person who fills the new position will serve as advisor to faculty members who have concerns about policy applications and implementations. "The ombudsperson will be a trusted faculty member who is very knowledgeable about the university's procedures and processes, about university offices and administrative structure and who will be able to provide the faculty member with guidance, with information and recommendations as to how address the concerns." MacQuarrie said the Ombuds will have access to administrative information not available to faculty members. (University News.)
This seems to be unrelated to the effort to create a "Intellectual Diversity" Ombuds for the University of Missouri system a couple years ago. What is curious is limited focus of the new Ombuds: If this is a good idea for the faculty in one divisions, why not the broader campus?
Related posts: U. Missouri Plans "Intellectual Diversity" Ombuds; Opinion: UMKC Prof Opposes Intellectual Diversity Ombuds.
This seems to be unrelated to the effort to create a "Intellectual Diversity" Ombuds for the University of Missouri system a couple years ago. What is curious is limited focus of the new Ombuds: If this is a good idea for the faculty in one divisions, why not the broader campus?
Related posts: U. Missouri Plans "Intellectual Diversity" Ombuds; Opinion: UMKC Prof Opposes Intellectual Diversity Ombuds.
Leading Indicators
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Job Posting: International Monetary Fund
The IMF has opened a search for its next Ombudsperson: a five-year contract position at IMF headquarters in Washington, DC. (Wilbur Hicks has served as the IMF Ombuds for the past five years.) Applicants should have substantial professional experience in fields such as human resource management, mediation conciliation or counseling, and an excellent command of English. Prior work as an Ombuds and/or international experience are particularly desired. Applicants cannot have had any prior employment relationship with the IMF. Salary depends on experience. Applications are due March 12. (IMF Jobs, Job No.: 1000119.)
Job Postings,
Job Posting: Office of Personnel Management
OPM seems to be hiring two Assistant Ombuds for its Office of the Ombudsman in Washington, DC. The OPM Ombudsman's Office is a neutral, independent and confidential resource for customers and employees with issues or complaints regarding OPM. In addition to handling an individual caseload, the positions compile data, draft reports, analyze and identify systemic issues and makes recommendations, and develop written materials. One position is GS-13 (salary $89,033-115,742) and the other is GS-11/13 (salary $62,467-115,742). Applications are due March 5. (Federal Government Jobs, Vacancy No. 10-177-TLV, Vacancy No. 10-177-LED.)
Related post: CoFO Continues Work on Thorny Issues Facing Government Ombuds.
Related post: CoFO Continues Work on Thorny Issues Facing Government Ombuds.
Job Postings
MWI Mediation Training in Boston
Mediation Works Inc. will offer its Executive Forty-Hour Mediation Training Program in Boston, May 10-14, 2010. The five-day comprehensive mediation skill building class is a "hand-on" program for professionals interested in becoming effective mediators. MWI's Mediation Trainings meet the training requirement outlined in the Massachusetts Confidentiality Statute and provide continuing education units for Licensed Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors and HR Professionals. The training for this program will be provided by Chuck Doran, who has worked as a Classical and Organizational Ombuds, and Diane Levin, who writes the Mediation Channel blog. A 10% discount is available to Ombuds who register before April 10 and reference "The Ombuds Blog." (MWI Training Info.)
Related posts: Dispute Resolution Forum at Harvard Features Ombuds; Advice to Mediators from an External Ombuds; ADR Blog Directory Hits Milestone; Mediation Myths Debunked.
Related posts: Dispute Resolution Forum at Harvard Features Ombuds; Advice to Mediators from an External Ombuds; ADR Blog Directory Hits Milestone; Mediation Myths Debunked.
Professional Devt.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Federal Court Holds That Complaint to FBI Ombuds Does Not Satisfy Prisoner's Exhaustion Requirement
Last week, a Federal trial court in California ruled that a prisoner cannot satisfy a requirement to exhaust administrative remedies by sending a letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Ombudsman. The plaintiff in the case, Christopher S. Rider, complained that California prison officials violated his civil rights while in custody. In order to satisfy the legal requirement that he had previously sought and exhausted all forms of informal or formal relief from the proper administrative officials, Rider alleged that he had written to the FBI Ombudsman asking for an investigation of the defendants' alleged conduct. A Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California rejected Rider's argument:
The decision on this issue is reassuringly predictable because the FBI Ombudsman deals only with work-related concerns of FBI employees and has no connection to prisoners, especially those in state custody. However, as the decision of a trial court, this case creates no legal precedent. (Office of Personnel Management, ADR Resource Guide.)
[S]ending a letter to an internal affairs department or to an FBI ombudsman does not satisfy the exhaustion requirement. As noted above, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has an established administrative grievance system and a prescribed grievance process that plaintiff must complete prior to bringing a [Civil Rights Act] § 1983 action on his claims. (Rider v. Goldy, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12360 (E.D. Cal. Feb. 11, 2010), *4 [subscription required].)
The decision on this issue is reassuringly predictable because the FBI Ombudsman deals only with work-related concerns of FBI employees and has no connection to prisoners, especially those in state custody. However, as the decision of a trial court, this case creates no legal precedent. (Office of Personnel Management, ADR Resource Guide.)
Job Posting: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
The ATF is hiring a GS-13 Program Analyst for its Office of the Ombudsman in Washington, DC. The position serves as the Program Manager for the Internal and External Problem Resolution Program and co-manages the Caregivers Support Group and the Military Families and Friends Support Group with the Associate Ombudsman. The Program Analyst will research and resolve employee and external customer issues and participate in developing ATF Bureau policy and procedures, and evaluates the effectiveness of the Internal and External Problem Resolution Programs. The position pays $89,033-115,742; applications are due March 2. (Federal Government Jobs, Vacancy No. 10-MER-153-MGT.)
Job Postings
Coke Adds Life to Ombuds Website
The upgraded website for the Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., Ombuds Office is unrivaled for its use of animation and video. The new website offers information in English, French and Spanish and explains how the office works with CCE employees. The site features a ten-minute introductory video with professional actors and individual videos of each member of the office: Ombuds Case Coordinator, Latryce Gathing-Harris; and Ombuds David Talbott, Marvin Neal, and Pierre Niedlispacher. In addition, CCE provides a copy of the Ombuds Office brochure, the establishing resolution from its Board of Directors, and a message from the Chairman. Overall, the site conveys a strong endorsement of the Ombuds Office by the organization. (CCE Ombuds Website.)
Related post: Coke Reports Benefits of Ombuds Program.
Related post: Coke Reports Benefits of Ombuds Program.
Private Sector,
Friday, February 19, 2010
University of New Mexico Creates Ombuds Office for Faculty and Staff
UNM has merged its Staff Dispute Resolution Department and Faculty Dispute Resolution. The new name will be Ombuds/Dispute Resolution Services for Faculty and Staff. The change resulted from a report to the UNM Provost and Vice President of HR comparing the existing programs to Ombuds programs at other universities. In addition, the State Risk Management Division praised UNM for its leadership statewide in ADR and the success of these programs in "contributing toward cost savings for both the university and the state." An emeritus professor, Jean Civikly-Powell will be the Ombuds for Faculty and Jonathan Armendariz will be Ombuds for Staff. (UNM Today.)
New Programs
Settlement With Black Farmers Will Create USDA Ombuds
Black farmers and the U.S. government have settled a long-standing class action suit alleging racial discrimination in the Department of Agriculture farm loan program. In addition to a payment of $1.25 billion to African American farmers, the USDA will also establish an Ombuds office to improve dispute resolution efforts. Details regarding the planned Ombuds program are not yet available. (USDA News.)
Leading Indicators,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Concordia University Invites Feedback on Ombuds' Terms of Reference
The President of the public university in Montreal has appointed a committee to review the Terms of Reference for the campus Ombuds Office. This is a fairly unusual event. The Concordia Ombuds terms of Reference was written in 1995 and updated in 1998 and established a fairly typical Organizational Ombuds office. Moreover, there is no indication there have been any problems with the Terms of Reference or the Concordia Ombuds program. The office was founded in 1971 and is currently headed by Kristen Robillard. (Concordia News and Events.)
Related posts: Concordia University Marks 40-Year Anniversary of Riots that Lead to Ombuds Office; Montréal Abounds With Ombuds Offices.
Related posts: Concordia University Marks 40-Year Anniversary of Riots that Lead to Ombuds Office; Montréal Abounds With Ombuds Offices.
Summer Social Justice Mediation Training at UMass
The Social Justice Mediation Institute will offer a five-day mediation training program twice this summer. Organizational Ombuds may be interested in this approach to mediation. The program is built upon the theoretical frameworks of postcolonial studies, critical race studies, multicultural education, and conflict resolution and offers mediators a social justice lens for the realities of multicultural conflicts in organizations. The trainings will take place on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 19-23, 2010 and August 29-September 2, 2010. (SJMI Info; thanks to Mary Conger.)
Professional Devt.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Job Posting: Kaplan University, Ft. Lauderdale
Kaplan University's Student Affairs Department is seeking a Student Affairs Resolution Manager to head its Student Affairs Resolution Ombudsman team in Chicago and Fort Lauderdale. Applicants must have at least a Bachelor's Degree and 3-5 years of related experience. No salary or closing date indicated. (Kaplan Careers via Yahoo HotJobs, Job ID 11363BR.)
Job Postings,
Private Sector
University of Maryland to Fill Faculty Ombuds Position
UM will conduct an internal search to appoint a new, half-time Faculty Ombuds. The position, which was established in 1990, is appointed by the President following a search conducted by a Committee jointly appointed by the President and the University Senate. The candidate must be a tenured faculty member but may be recently retired. Lee E. Preston, PhD, an emeritus professor in the UM School of Business, has served as faculty Ombuds since 2004. (UM Human Resources.)
Related post: University of Maryland Appoints First Ombuds for Students.
Related post: University of Maryland Appoints First Ombuds for Students.
Job Postings,
IOI Amends Rules to Permit Regional Proxy Voting
According to the February 2010 newsletter for the International Ombudsman Institute North American Region, members at the IOI conference at the Stockholm last summer raised a concern about the process of electing directors. In particular, regional members who were unable to attend in person were ineligible to vote for IOI directors. In response to these concerns, the Rules of the North American Region have been amended to permit non-attending members to vote, resulting in elections that are more reflective of the members’ preferences. The newsletter also said that the next North American Regional Meeting will coincide with the USOA Annual Conference in Dayton, Ohio, October 6-8, 2010. (IOI North American Region Newsletter.)
Related posts: IOI Secretariat Relocating to Vienna; Friday Poll: In What Organizations Are You a Member?
Related posts: IOI Secretariat Relocating to Vienna; Friday Poll: In What Organizations Are You a Member?
Other Ombuds,
Regional Events
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dilbert: The New Ombudsman
Update 2/19/20: Blogger Diane Levin offers her take on whether Dilbert's lampoon of Ombuds is a harbinger at The Mediation Channel.
Leading Indicators
Washington State University Appoints Ombuds
Raymond A. Jussaume, Jr., has been named as the new Ombuds for the 25,000-student public research university in based in Pullman, Washington. He will join Ombuds Judy Krueger and Principal Assistant Debbie Waite in an office founded in 1970 that serves all members of the WSU campus. Jessaume is a professor and chair of the Department of Community & Rural Sociology. His research has studied farming in Japan, China, France and Washigton State. He earned his BA in Political Science from Southeastern Massachusetts University, MA in Political Science from the University of Georgia, and PhD in Development Sociology from Cornell University. He also serves as advisor to the WSU Anime Club. (WSU Announcements, Jussaume Bio.)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ombuds Can Mitigate High Costs of Internal Conflict for Law Firms
The current issue of the ABA magazine "Law Practice Today," features an article on how law firms can use an Ombuds to resolve conflicts. The article identifies three costs for firms that fail to manage internal conflicts: loss of talent, loss of clients and legal actions. The author also offers some insightful advice that is not often found in these types of overview articles.
The article was written by Andrew Cohn, a former litigator who is now a conflict management consultant. (Law Practice Today.)
Related posts: Job Posting: DLA Piper; Kaye Scholer Implements Ombuds Program; Study Concludes Large Law Firms Should Have Ombuds; Altman Weil Endorses Ombuds Programs for Large Law Firms.
There are many different forms that an ombudsman’s role can take, including that of a full-time or part-time employee, or as an independent contractor or consultant. Exactly which structure would most benefit a particular firm is a critical issue that should be considered in advance. Firms also should consider whether they are willing to take the corrective and organizational actions recommended by an ombudsman before engaging one.
The article was written by Andrew Cohn, a former litigator who is now a conflict management consultant. (Law Practice Today.)
Related posts: Job Posting: DLA Piper; Kaye Scholer Implements Ombuds Program; Study Concludes Large Law Firms Should Have Ombuds; Altman Weil Endorses Ombuds Programs for Large Law Firms.
Leading Indicators,
Private Sector
University of Western Ontario Ombuds Report Highlights Academic Accommodations
According to their annual report, UWO Ombuds Adrienne Clarke and Assistant Ombuds Anita Pouliot handled 438 cases in 2008-09, a 4.5% increase from the prior academic year. Their summary of the year leads with a discussion of academic accommodations for students with disabilities and offers guidelines for promoting positive conversations around disability. The report also revisits the issue of faculty and administrative support for graduate students who are experiencing problems with their supervisor. (UWO Ombuds 2008-09 Report.)
Related posts: University of Western Ontario Agrees to Changes Suggested by Ombuds; University of Western Ontario Posts Annual Report (2009).
Related posts: University of Western Ontario Agrees to Changes Suggested by Ombuds; University of Western Ontario Posts Annual Report (2009).
Annual Reports,
Friday, February 12, 2010
Friday Poll: Embracing Web 2.0
Many Organizational Ombuds are wary of social networking websites. The profession is built on confidentiality, discretion and informality. Web 2.0 presents an evolving landscape of privacy expectations and inadvertent electronic records. Nonetheless, some Ombuds are venturing on to social networking sites to stay connected with colleagues and constituents. This week's poll asks what sites you are using.
Related posts: Ombuds Not Exempt From Influence of Internet; An Ombuds Guide to Internet Tools; Higher Ed Ombuds Are Embracing Social Media; Ombuds Blog Now on Twitter.
Related posts: Ombuds Not Exempt From Influence of Internet; An Ombuds Guide to Internet Tools; Higher Ed Ombuds Are Embracing Social Media; Ombuds Blog Now on Twitter.
Friday Poll
As Complaints Soar, British Student Ombuds Considers More Transparency
Rob Behrens, the Chief Executive of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator, says that the number of complaints about universities in England and Wales has continued to rise as students have been forced to pay fees, become more knowledgeable about their rights and less deferential to authority. Complaints to IOA increased 23% last year and a similar increase is expected for the current year. Beherns, who took office in 2008, is considering two significant changes to the program: publishing details of decisions, naming universities; and/or publishing the number of complaints it has received annually for each university, together with details of the outcomes. Beherns concedes that universities don't like the idea, but says: "My job is not to be popular but to do things that would add to the credibility of the scheme." (London Independent.)
Related posts: British Classical Ombudsman Reports Spike in University Complaints; British Higher Education Ombudsman Surveys Profession; Latest ENOHE Newsletter Traces Evolution of Campus Ombuds.
Related posts: British Classical Ombudsman Reports Spike in University Complaints; British Higher Education Ombudsman Surveys Profession; Latest ENOHE Newsletter Traces Evolution of Campus Ombuds.
Other Ombuds
University of Wisconsin Searching for New Faculty Ombuds
Jane Voichick, who has been a part-time Ombuds for the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2006, will step down April 1. The Provost will appoint a replacement to join other part-time Ombuds, John Mather, Richard Ralston and Kay Simmons. The position is available for retired faculty and academic and classified staff. (UW-Madison News.)
Related posts: U. Wisconsin Adds Ombuds; University of Wisconsin Ombuds Annual Report Highlights New Goals.
Related posts: U. Wisconsin Adds Ombuds; University of Wisconsin Ombuds Annual Report Highlights New Goals.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Gates Foundation Considering Ombuds
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is implementing a number of changes to improve its work internally and with beneficiaries. The foundation has an endowment in excess of $30 billion and has tripled its staff in the past four years. B&MGF's Chief Executive, Jeff Raikes, has already revised internal operations. In addition, Raikes promised changes by June to enhance communications with charities, including the possibility of an Ombuds position. As it considers an Ombuds program the Gates Foundation would be well advised to consult another leading nonprofit, the American Red Cross, which created an Ombuds office with similar objectives in 2007. (Chronicle of Philanthropy; Puget Sound Business Journal.)
Related posts: Philanthropic Foundations Urged to Implement Ombuds; Red Cross Issues Second Annual Report.
Related posts: Philanthropic Foundations Urged to Implement Ombuds; Red Cross Issues Second Annual Report.
Leading Indicators
University of Texas Posts Intake Form
The Student Ombuds for the University of Texas at Austin has posted its intake form on its website. This is remarkable because few Organizational Ombuds publish their data collection forms. UT's form states that it is for demographic information only and should not include a name or other identifying information. In addition, the form creates a contact by stating that visitors agree to the office's policies which follow IOA standards. Lauren Bloom is the Ombudsman at UT Austin and her decision to be transparent and public about this routine Ombuds process sets an example for the field. (UT Austin Student Ombuds Intake and Info Form.)
Related posts: Profile of U. Texas Ombuds for Students; University of Texas Ombuds Office Celebrates 40 Years.
Related posts: Profile of U. Texas Ombuds for Students; University of Texas Ombuds Office Celebrates 40 Years.
Practice Pointers
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
University of Pennsylvania Ombuds Offers Dissertation Advice for Chronicle of Higher Ed
The Chronicle of Higher Education runs a regular advice column. This week, graduate students with concerns about about their dissertation advisers get wisdom from Michele Goldfarb, associate ombudsman at the University of Pennsylvania.
Goldfarb provides specific examples of how she might work with grad students in similar situations. (Chronicle Advice.)
Related post: University of Pennsylvania Appoints Ombuds.
People come to her office, Goldfarb said, if they believe they have been treated unfairly in the academic workplace. "With the complainant's permission," she said, "the ombudsman will undertake an independent inquiry into the matter in order to develop an objective, impartial understanding of the situation, and then help develop some method for resolving the dispute. The ombudsman has no power to impose outcomes. Instead, the ombudsman uses a variety of strategies to help resolve conflicts constructively." That could include identifying your options, mediating a dispute, or alerting top administrators to the problems.
Goldfarb provides specific examples of how she might work with grad students in similar situations. (Chronicle Advice.)
Related post: University of Pennsylvania Appoints Ombuds.
IOA 2011 Conference Set for Portland, OR
The International Ombudsman Association's sixth annual conference will be held at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, April 3 through 6, 2011. The 23rd largest metropolitan area has been called the most "green" city in the United States A theme for the conference has not be determined. (IOA Conf. Info.)
Related posts: Lewis & Clark College Launches Ombuds Office; Portland State University Ombuds Ready for Peak Season.
Related posts: Lewis & Clark College Launches Ombuds Office; Portland State University Ombuds Ready for Peak Season.
IOA News,
Professional Devt.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Elizabeth W. Pino: Longtime IOA Leader, Founded Ombuds Program for McKinsey & Co.
Elizabeth Walsh Pino passed away February 8, 2010 of cancer. In 1992, she created the first law firm Ombuds office at the Boston firm of Palmer & Dodge (later Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge). In 1998, she established and headed a global Ombuds program for the powerhouse consulting firm of McKinsey & Co. She was active in the International Ombudsman Association and other professional organizations. For IOA, she served as a Director, Assistant Treasurer and Co-Chair of the Finance Committee. In 2003, The Ombudsman Association honored her for outstanding contributions to the Ombuds profession. Pino served as an arbitrator for the Massachusetts Bar Association, worked with the Boston Bar Association Gender and Justice Committee on a model sexual harassment policy. Her legacy is preserved in part by the many articles she authored on the Ombuds role, including the often-cited piece she wrote with Howard Gadlin for TOA in 1997, "Neutrality: What an Organizational Ombudsperson Might Want to Know." As an instructor for IOA's Ombuds 101 program, she also taught many current practitioners. A funeral mass is scheduled for February 11, in Boston. (Boston Globe Obituary; NY Times 1994 article.)
IOA News,
First Ombuds Certification Exam: 96% Pass Rate
The Board of Certification for Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioners Board (CO-OP) has announced that 96% of the applicants passed the first certification examination. Forty-seven people sat for the computer-based test betweenNovember 30 and December 5, 2009. Subsequently, a psychometrician with Schroeder Measurement Technologies, Inc., and a panel of Organizational Ombuds developed a passing score of 405 for the exam, which has a scaled score of 100 to 500. The CO-OP exam will be offered again in a paper-and-pencil format on the first day of the IOA Annual Conference, Thursday, April 8, 2010, at 7:00 am, in New Orleans. (The exam is not included in conference fees and conference registration is not required to take the exam.) Subsequently, the test will be administered in a computer-based format at many testing centers around the world. (CO-OP News.)
Prior post: IOA Unveils Certification Program for Organizational Ombuds.
Prior post: IOA Unveils Certification Program for Organizational Ombuds.
IOA News
Monday, February 8, 2010
East Coast Ombuds Will Discuss New Book
Charles L. Howard will discuss his new book, The Organizational Ombudsman, at the next meeting of the East Coast Ombuds Group (ECOG) on Monday, March 22, 2010, 10 am to 3 pm. The meeting will be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be hosted by Lydia Cummings and Melissa Brodrick. A fee of $35 includes refreshments. (Shipman & Goodwin Events.)
Related posts: ABA Publishes First Book About Organizational Ombuds; Harvard Medical School Appoints New Ombuds.
Related posts: ABA Publishes First Book About Organizational Ombuds; Harvard Medical School Appoints New Ombuds.
Regional Events
Follow the IOA Conference on Twitter
A hashtag has been created for Tweets about the International Ombudsman Association's annual conference in New Orleans, April 7-10, 2010: #IOA2010. (Twitter Search.)
IOA News
Friday, February 5, 2010
Friday Poll: In What Organizations Are You a Member?
There are several professional associations for Ombuds (IOA, IOI, FCO, ACCUO, USOA). In addition, many Ombuds continue to maintain membership in professional organizations for their prior career (SHRM, NAFCM, ABA). Some also join professional groups in related fields (ACR, IACM). So, this week's question: What professional organizations have you joined?
Friday Poll
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Seattle University Looking to Open Ombuds Office
The 7,500-student Jesuit Catholic university has been considering an Ombuds program since the concept was approved by the Academic Assembly three years ago. Recently, the propsal has been revived and the SU trustees have allocated money for an IOA-compliant office (estimated to be between $200,000 and $500,000). Nonetheless, it may years more before the office is created. The plan would create a part-time Ombuds that would serve exclusively faculty and staff. One of the leading Organizational Ombuds, Toni P. Robinson is an alum of SU Law School. (SU Spectator; MIT Ombuds Office.)
Leading Indicators
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ryerson University Ombuds Reports Spike in Academic Concerns
In her report covering the 2008-09 academic year, Nora Farrell said that concerns about academic advice rose 12% from the prior year. The Ombuds for students at Ryerson handled 586 matters and more than half involved academic issues. Farrell also saw marked decreases in cases involving admissions and curriculum advising. The published report also includes a response from the Provost and Vice President-Academic, and Vice President-Adminintration and Finance regarding the Ombuds' recommendations. (Ryerson Ombuds 2008-09 Report; Ryerson Eyeopener.)
Related posts: Ryerson Ombuds Blames Professors for Rising Misconduct Charges; FCO Selects New Board and Officers.
Related posts: Ryerson Ombuds Blames Professors for Rising Misconduct Charges; FCO Selects New Board and Officers.
Annual Reports,
12th Annual ABA Dispute Resolution Conference Set for San Francisco
The American Bar Association Section on Dispute Resolution convenes its annual meeting at the Hyatt Regency on April 8-10, 2020 (the same days as the IOA conference in New Orleans). The schedule for the world's largest dispute resolution conference is being finalized. Announced sessions that may interest Organizational Ombuds include:
Related posts: ADR Conference in New York (2009); ABA Publishes First Book About Organizational Ombuds.
- Clientology: The Applied Science of Private Sit-Down Speaking with Clients
- Got Game? Using Game Theory to Understand, Manage, and Resolve Disputes
- Calm in the Face of the Storm: Spiritual Daily Practice for the Peacemaker
- The Art and Science of Communicating Across Cultures: Advanced Skills in Negotiation and Communication
- How to Help Clients Make Better Decisions Through Psychological Tools and Systematic Risk Analysis
- The Healthcare Follies: Teachable Moments For Negotiators and Conflict Management Practitioners
- Mediating the Non-Litigated Case: Commercial, Political, and Executive Disputes
- Gazing Into the Crystal Ball -- What Will Business Conflict Look Like in 25 Years?
Related posts: ADR Conference in New York (2009); ABA Publishes First Book About Organizational Ombuds.
Professional Devt.
Organization of News Ombudsmen Revamps Website
The association of mainstream media watchdogs dramatically reorganized and expanded its Internet site. ONO promises that the new site will be an important source for media criticism and a necessary companion for navigating the news. The site provides commentary by news Ombuds around the world, a public forum, information on members, and links to related resources. (ONO Press Release; Media Bistro.)
Related posts: News Ombuds Also Vulnerable to Budget Cuts; Organization of News Ombudsmen Appoints First Executive Director; Organization of News Ombudsmen Director Argues for 'Cyberombudsmen'.
Related posts: News Ombuds Also Vulnerable to Budget Cuts; Organization of News Ombudsmen Appoints First Executive Director; Organization of News Ombudsmen Director Argues for 'Cyberombudsmen'.
Other Ombuds
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Profile of National Naval Medical Center Ombuds
The latest issue of DC Military Journal features a story of Barbara I. Moidel, who has serve as the Ombudsman/Mediator at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. Moidel her career at the Navy's flagship medical center in 1980 in speech pathology. After mediating for other federal agencies, Moidel designed and created NNMC's Organization Ombudsman and Mediator Program in 2001, the Navy's first Organizational Ombuds office in a healthcare setting. The program later expanded to the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA, the Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, FL, and the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and will soon be implemented at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, CA, and the Naval Hospital in Okinawa, Japan.
The NMMC program was renamed the Healthcare Mediation Program in 2007, but Moidel continues her Ombuds work with patients, family members and the public as Special Assistant to the Commander and Deputy Commander. She also serves as the Specialty Advisor to the Navy Surgeon General for Healthcare Mediation. Moidel earned her BS from Ohio University and a MA in Speech Pathology from Western Michigan University. (DC Military Journal; see also, Resolve Advisors Bio.)
Related post: Navy Marks Ombudsman Appreciation Day.
The NMMC program was renamed the Healthcare Mediation Program in 2007, but Moidel continues her Ombuds work with patients, family members and the public as Special Assistant to the Commander and Deputy Commander. She also serves as the Specialty Advisor to the Navy Surgeon General for Healthcare Mediation. Moidel earned her BS from Ohio University and a MA in Speech Pathology from Western Michigan University. (DC Military Journal; see also, Resolve Advisors Bio.)
Related post: Navy Marks Ombudsman Appreciation Day.
Health Care,
New Programs,
Florida Gulf Coast University Interviewing Prospective Ombuds
Nearly eight months after soliciting applications for a University Ombuds, FCGU is now conducting on-campus interviews. The person hired will head an office established by Charles McKinney and currently run by Interim Ombuds, Melissa McIntosh. (FGCU Notices.)
Prior post: Job Posting.
Prior post: Job Posting.
Monday, February 1, 2010
IOA Announces Board Election Results
The International Ombudsman Association announced the results of the Board election which was reheld because of concerns about the publication of candidate information. The following individuals were elected to the Board of Directors for three-year terms beginning April 2010:
Prior Posts: Balloting Opens for IOA Board of Directors; IOA Voids Election Results, Reopens Voting.
- Wayne Blair, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Nick Diehl, National Institutes of Health
- Carolyn Noorbakhsh, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Donna Douglass Williams, World Health Organization
Prior Posts: Balloting Opens for IOA Board of Directors; IOA Voids Election Results, Reopens Voting.
IOA News
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